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25 Man raid time ideas

Instance and raid scheduling.

25 Man raid time ideas

Postby Grimblast » Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:24 am

I was thinking about this for awhile and I think I'm ready to start up our own hosted 25 man raids through the SGA. The big question is, what day and what time. Doing a lot of these raid instances as a 25 man makes them a lot easier than a 10 man but we may still run into that issue of not enough healers or heaven forbid not enough tanks. I know there was some grumbling in the SGA sometime back about not enough raids posted for 25 man content so this will be the one type of run I will post for the SGA to sign up and join us. 25 man content is something I've never lead before but I have taken part in quite a bit and it's still the same old stuff as a 10 man. So give me some suggestions on day's or times that might work. I think the SGA had a post somewhere about times their existing content is ran so I'll need to post that here or see what seems to be the best day or days to resume the raid and see if that walks into someone elses raid time.

We know already that we use Thursday's and Saturdays to do our 10 mans. Saturdays seem to be an odd on and off day for our guild though. I could see about a 25 man on Saturdays but this is where we might run into an issue of other SGA runs. Hard to establish a run with them if it's on the same day as very successful runs that everyone tries to go for.
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Postby Highgrade » Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:14 am

Thursday, Fridays, and Saturdays have become very odd for me lately. /cry work sucks
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Postby Tirian » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:02 am

For the record, I actually tried to get on last night (shocking, I know) and then couldn't authenticate. Damn you, Blizzard bugs!

Anyway... Saturday and Sundays with occasional Thursdays remain the best possibility for me.

P.S. I was on for half an hour Thursday and my laptop overheated and shut itself down again, so... yeah...
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Postby Snobal » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:12 am

Any night with the exception of heavy homework nights.

Lik yay 4 kno liph3.
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Postby Tirian » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:18 am

I think that's the same for most of us bud... just more "homework" when you get out of school.
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Postby Grimblast » Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:00 pm

I've posted a heroic Nax for Friday at 7pm and it's continuation at noon on Sunday. I tried to shoe it in where the SGA didn't have too many runs so I can milk them to fill out the raid since most are doing 10 mans in their guilds it's getting harder to do our own 10 mans when we fall short on people. I will ride with their guild calendar so no one else has to really and I have mirrored the events in the games built in calendar. If you sign up in the events I listed I can actually import names to the guild calendar so the SGA can see what or who I have going(my pants coincidentally takes a spot). I will see how interest goes and we can roll from there.

I will soon be working Saturdays full time and have Sundays and Mondays off so I hope I can keep up with this heroic and our own 10 man on Saturdays. This will be a challenge but I will see what I can do. Also, if only one day works for you, still sign up since a lot of people usually don't make it the second day. I will be trying to tank on these runs but if healing is what's needed then I will pull in my pally.

Again my hope is to get more goons in there but I know for a fact that most of our 25 man runs will consist of SGA guilds but they will have to adhere to my raid rules and our loot style(Friendly roll system).
Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
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