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Naxxramas, are you ready?

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Naxxramas, are you ready?

Postby Grimblast » Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:22 am

So, I need to know who is not ready for Nax and what it is they will need to participate in it. I can host a guild run for it now that I have the gist of what to expect in the first few wings but I need a solid OT and more than one healer. At the moment I'm aware that Alacor and Snobal have tanks and just need some gear to get them going. How about the rest that are interested? I will need to grope gear possibly(hee hee!) and see what you are using at the moment so we can figure out where upgrades exist for you. For Nax I say the same thing holds true for it just like Kara, all northrend blues, no greens if possible. There are some exceptions which include librams, idols, and totems. There is a good deal of good craftible upgrades but first I can inspect you if you want and see what needs to be done.

I want to host the runs like the old Kara runs, on Fridays and Saturdays with a cooldown day on Sunday.
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Postby Zancarius » Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:09 am

Sounds good to me. I know that most of our core DPS is around where we need to be for the easier parts. Some need work, but I don't think it'll be that big a deal once the ball is rolling. I do have some notes on Recount that I might post later to help people determine roughly where they're at. As it stands, I can only think of one or two people who need gear or a bit more experience DPS-wise. Tanks are another story, that's Turus' territory. ;)
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Postby alacor » Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:58 pm

Need to get my Stamina up a bit. I should be able to Otank with the gear I have. Also it looks like I can heal decent if needed there.
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Postby Snobal » Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:57 pm

Still need my gear but I'm more than ready to throw some attempts at it. I haven't been able to get anything to drop for me. And I've run numerous runs, but I will continue to push at gearing up more.

A good website to rank where you stand as far as gear goes:

Edit: Please let me know if any of you need mats for plate crafted gear. I've just stocked up the goon bank with about 200 saronite, and I have tons more bars on standby. This includes: titansteel, titanium, saronite, cobalt, and eternals of various sorts.
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Postby Tirian » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:26 pm

I'm going at it as I can, but not getting much gear as my increasing allergy to pugs is having me vomit all over every time I run one. I'm mostly blue now so can probably do at least midline DPS (I was doing 1,300-1,500 when we ran Heroic Nexus a week or so ago), but my low Hit will hurt on bosses.

Thursdays are probably in, Saturdays during the day too. Friday nights and usually Saturday nights are a lot tougher.

Edit: I think my spec and spell rotation has room for improvement yet as well... but I have to fix that myself of course.
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Postby Highgrade » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:46 pm

At this point i ahve seen most of the battles in naxx 25man. I am brushing up on the changes but all seems about the same. I have also been looking at the heal loads and such during these encounters. Gear wise i think i am good to go i need to spend some time getting enchants and such but getting there.
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Postby Grimblast » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:48 pm

I was hoping to stick with our old Kara schedule of 7pm on Fridays and Saturdays. It's hard to get a lot of 'Goons together during the daytime. I have posted an event for Friday to see what kind of turnout I'm looking at. So far it sounds like Tir may not be able to make the times I had in mind. I'm up for suggestions as to when the majority of everyone can come that is interested in hitting the place up.

During the week, I can be available any time after 6pm server time usually. I sometimes have to work Saturdays for a full month due to the number of employees at my office so daytime saturdays is out of the question for me until 4:30pm :(
Guild Wars 2 Characters
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Postby Tirian » Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:10 pm

No worries -- I wasn't expecting you to change the times just for me, was just letting ya'll know my schedule.
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