Over the years, I've directed people seeking out-of-print texts and works that have long since fallen into the public domain to the Gutenberg Project. Gutenberg has a wide variety of texts available from classic literature to some modern works (thanks to the authors' generosity). I'll even confess: I've used Gutenberg to find texts that I didn't want to check out from the library (I hate libraries) but required a citation. Of course, sometimes it's much handier to have the print in a digital form that is more conducive to online searches and the likes, even if you have the book in print.
Anyway, since I know we have some people here who might find this useful, check the link out if you've never been to the Gutenberg Project before. Otherwise, browse their top 100 eBook list. You'll find works from H. G. Wells (no, that's not Highgrade Wells, though we could pretend he requested a posthumous name change) to the Iliad by Homer. Take a browse! Who knows what you might find?