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Are We In Georgia, Yet?

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Are We In Georgia, Yet?

Postby Snobal » Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:26 pm

Something I found a little funny. Sent by me mummy.

You know you are from Georgia.....

1. You can properly pronounce Chickamauga, DeKalb, Dahlonega, Smyrna, Buena Vista, Valdosta, Okefenokee, and La Fayette. Atlanta = ADD-LANNA not AT-LANT-A.

2. You think people who complain about the heat in their states are sissies.

3. A tornado warning siren is your signal to go out in the yard and look for a funnel.

4. You know that the true value of a parking space is not determined by the distance to the door, but by the availability of shade.

5. Stores don't have bags or shopping carts, they have sacks and buggies.

6. You've seen people wear bib overalls at weddings and funerals.

7. You think everyone from a Yankee-state has an accent.

8. You measure distance in minutes.

9. You go to the lake because you think it is like going to the ocean.

10. You listen to the weather forecast before picking out an outfit.

11. You know cowpies are not made of beef.

12. Someone you know has used a football schedule to plan their wedding date.

13. You know someone who has a belt buckle bigger than your fist.

14. Almost everyone you know is either Baptist or Methodist.

15. A Mercedes Benz isn't a status symbol. A Chevy Silverado Extended Bed Crew Cab is.

16. You know everything goes better with Ranch dressing.

17. You learned how to shoot a gun before you learned how to multiply.

18. Ironically, you only crave Chik-Fil-A and alcohol on Sundays..when neither are sold.

19. On one side of the road there's Wal-Mart and on the other is a cotton field.

20. The directions to your house include "turn off the paved road."

21. "YALL is a word.

22. Fried chicken is a major part of your diet

23. Krispy Kreme dounuts are the only kind of dounuts you eat.

24. You call it a cold Christmas if you don't break out in a sweat in your new sweater.

25. When a single snowflake falls, the entire state shuts down, even if it doesn't stick. The radio and TV news will make snowstorm reports every 10 minutes and the grocery store will be completely sold out of bread, milk, bottled water, toilet paper, and beer.

26. People actually grow, eat and like okra!

27. You know the difference between a hillbilly, a redneck, and a Southerner.

28. Your dog and your wallet are both on chains.

29. Panama City Beach, Florida is a big deal.

30. You understand that at least once a year your car will turn yellow with pollen.

31. You know at least one Bubba, and maybe a few guys named Bo.

32. You say "tuna fish sandwich." (not tuna sandwich)

33. You use "Sir" and "Ma'am" if there's a remote possibility that person you're talking to is least 30 minutes older than you are.

34. Braves=good. Yankees=bad. Mets=LOATH

35.You love sweet tea, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and all Southern comfort food...and Southern comfort

36. You don't appreciate it, You preciate it.

37. Your last words might be, "Yall watch this."

38. Herschel Walker, Larry Munson, Sid Bream, Hank Aaron are legends

39. You say and know what "I bet your sittin in tall cotton right now" means

40. You use the heater in the mornin and AC in the afternoon during the "winter" season

41. You might have heard of people finding their lost boat in a lake that has dried up recently

42. You know that Hurricanes are those the really big storms that give us lots of rain and a lil wind while at the same times destroys Florida!

43. You know the metal cages with wheels that u put things in at various stores are called Buggys!....Not Shopping Carts!

And finally...

This one is the absolute Gospel truth! I have said this so many times!!

44. You are 100% Georgian if you have ever had this conversation:

"You wanna coke?"


"What kind?"

"Dr Pepper!"

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Postby Aigle » Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:27 pm

Cute, my turn!

[b]You Know You're From MICHIGAN If . . .[/b]

• You show people where you're from by pointing to a spot on the back of your left hand. (Especially useful if you're from the Thumb or the Little Finger.)

• The only place in the world can you experience all four seasons in one day.

• You know what a 'party store' is.

• You've never met any celebrities.

• "Vacation" means going to Cedar Point.

• At least one member of your family disowns you the week of the Michigan / Michigan State game.

• Your idea of a traffic jam is 40 cars waiting to pass an orange barrel.

• Half the change in your pocket is

• You drive 86 mph on the highway and pass on the right.

• You know how to play (and pronounce) Euchre.

• It's easy to get Vernor's ginger ale, Better Made chips, Sanders hot fudge sauce, and Faygo pop.

• You know how to pronounce "Mackinac."

• You've had to switch on the heat and the air conditioning in the same day.

• You bake with SODA and drink POP. I lived in NY for four years..I call it Soda...

• The movie "Escanaba in Da Moonlight" wasn't funny. You consider it a documentary.

• Your little league game was snowed out.

• The word "thumb" has geographical rather than anatomical significance.

• Traveling coast-to-coast means driving from Port Huron to Muskegon.

• You measure distance in minutes.

• When giving directions, you refer to "A Michigan Left."

• You know that Kalamazoo not only exists, but isn't far from Hell.

• Your year has two seasons: Winter and Construction.
• Home Depot on any Saturday is busier than toy stores at Christmas.

• You know when it has rained because of the smell of worms.

• When owning a Japanese car was a hangin' offense in your hometown.
• You believe that "down south" means Toledo.

• Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six-pack and a bucket of smelt.

• You know that Big Mac is something that you drive over.

• You can see a car running in a parking lot with no one in it, no matter what time of the year.

• You end your sentences with a preposition; example: "Where's my coat at?"
• All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, or animal.
• You think of the four major food groups as beef, pork, BBQ sauce, and beer.

• You carry jumper cables and snow chains in your trunk.
• You design your kids' Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
• Driving in the winter is better because the pot-holes are filled with snow.

• Your favorite holidays are Christmas,Thanksgiving, and the opening of Deer Season, which you consider a National Holiday.

• You have 10 favorite recipes for venison.

• You learned to drive a boat before you could ride a bike.

• You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car.

• Your snowblower has more miles on it than your car.

• Shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout.

• You’ve ever used the word “bogue.”

• The "Big Three" means either Ford, Chrysler and GM, or Little Caesar's, Domino's, or Hungry Howie's

• You think alkaline batteries were named after a Tiger outfielder.

• Your definition of a small Michigan town is one that doesn't have a lake.

• You define summer as three months of bad sledding.

• You attend a formal event in your best clothing, finest jewelry, and snowmobile boots.

• The municipality buys a zamboni before a bus.

• You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.

• The orange barrel is considered Michigan's 'other' lighthouse
'..a male gynocologist is like an auto mechanic who's never owned a car..'

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Postby Snobal » Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:09 pm

LoL! I don't get all of them, but those are pretty funny!
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Postby Highgrade » Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:55 am

You might be from utah if…….
1. You know where you can and cannot purchase caffeinated drinks

2. You refer to your neighbors as brother and sister though there is no relation

3. You know that any potluck must consist of Baked Ham, Funeral Potatoes ( potatoes augratin sorta) and green jello with odd things added to it ( carrots generally)

4. You know what fry sauce is and you like it

5. You refer to the other states as “the outside world”

6. Your sister has been married three times and changed her last name once

7. Your sister got married at 19 and was not pregnant

8. Your 25 year old sister who isn’t married is considered an “old maid”

9. You can correctly pronounce the words “tooele” and “Hurricane” (hurikun)

10. You have said atleast once in your life “I can’t I’m morman” even if your are not

11. You get a week off school for the deer hunt, the duck hunt, and the bow hunt

12. You have ever been dragged to down town Salt Lake City in the butt crack of winter to look at LIGHTS!

13. You have no longer try to buy beer on Sunday

14. You drive to Wyoming to buy beer

15. You can attend a support group for Alcohol, tobacco, porn, and Caffiene addictions in the same place.

16. Vacation include a trip to “Lagoon”

17. You repent for going to casinos in vegas but casinos in wendover are A-OK

18. It aint illegal if your bishop don’t know

19. You can experience all four seasons in one day

20. Cream of chicken soup is culinary ducktape

21. You have woofs (Wolves) in your mountains a ruff (Roof) over your head and a crik (Creek) is smaller than a stream

22. When someone asks if you are from utah, the first thing you say is “No, I only have one wife”
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Postby Zancarius » Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:37 am

Fine, I'll bite. Here's two lists (some may contain duplicates)

[quote]1. You can correctly pronounce words like Tesuque, Cerrillos, Acoma, Buena, Ocotillo, Cochiti, Pojoaque,Socorro and Isleta (and you actually know what or where they are!).

2. You have been told by at least one out-of-state vendor that they are going to charge you extra for international shipping.

3. You expect to pay more if your house is made of Adobe.

4. You can order your Big Mac with green chile.

5. You buy salsa by the half-gallon.

6. You know what it means when they say it's from Hatch.

7. Your Christmas decorations include "red Chiles, a half-ton of sand and 200 paper bags."

8. Most restaurants you go to begin with "El" or "Los."

9. You price shop for tortillas.

10. You have an extra freezer just for green Chile.

11. You consider Billy the Kid a state hero.

12. You think six tons of crushed rock makes a beautiful front lawn.

13. You think the biggest perk to running for state legislature is that you could speed legally.

14. You pass on the left because that is the fast-lane.

15. You think Sonic is "America's Favorite Drive-in."

16. Your swamp cooler got knocked off your roof by a Dust Devil.

17. You either have been or know someone who has been abducted by aliens.

18. You can actually hear the Taos hum.

19. All your out-of-state friends and relatives ask if they can drink the water when they come to visit.

20. When someone says "Las Vegas" you think of a small New Mexico town in the northeastern part of the state.

21. You iron your jeans to "dress up."

22. You don't see anything wrong with drive-up window liquor sales.

23. Your other vehicle is also a pick-up truck.

24. Two of your cousins are in Santa Fe, one in the legislature, the other in the state penitentiary.

25. You know what it means when a waitress asks you whether you want "red or green."

26. You're relieved when the pavement ends because the dirt road has fewer potholes.

27. You see nothing odd when, in the conversations of the people in line around you at the grocery store, every other word of each sentence alternates between Spanish and English.

28. You've seen the bat flight at Carlsbad Caverns and have a t-shirt that says "Bats need friends, too!"

29. You know you are "special" because you're from the Land of Enchantment!

30. You've had Forts out in the desert or forest, which is also your back yard, so to speak.

31. You know what the night sky looks like full of stars and not pollution.

32. You've swam in an arroyo or an a child or an ADULT!

33. You've cooked an egg on the sidewalk.

34. You know what a horny toad is.

35. You can identify a quail, peacock, coyote, roadrunner, cricket, the sound they make.

36. You actually stop in the road when quail are crossing to wait for the whole "family" to get across.

37. Your Walmart sells snow sleds in the summer for the White Sands...but you can hardly find them in the winter.

38. You've slept outside either on the trampoline, the back of a truck, or just in the yard with friends.

39. When going to the store; you ask everyone in the vehicle if they’re going to “get down” with you.

40. You love the smell of rain in the desert.

41. You've caught tadpoles every summer as a kid.

42. One of your favorite past times is rock hunting.

43. Your High School Biology teacher taught you how to identify all of the desert plants that you could get high off of, and how to do it.

44. You've been to Mexico just to party.

45. You know that Christmas and weddings would not be the same without biscochitos.

46. You know what bartering is, and how to do it in at least 2 different languages.

47. You could totally win on Survivor, because you've been doing all that hunting, fishing, hiking survival technique stuff since you were 5 out in your own back yard.

48. Your city cousins from out of state come and visit you and don't get it when "going to do something" to you means to go hunting, fishing, hiking and theirs is hanging out at the mall.

49. You spent your 4 years of High School saying you were leaving this hell hole and never coming back; and when you left, you realized that there's no place like New Mexico, and will probably decide to retire back home.[/quote]
Last edited by Zancarius on Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Zancarius » Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:41 am

And here's the second, more comprehensive list:

  • You buy salsa by the gallon.
  • You are still using the paper license tag that came with your car five years ago.
  • Your favorite restaurant has a chile list instead of a wine list.
  • You do all your shopping and banking at a drive-up window.
  • Your Christmas decorations include "a yard of sand and 200 paper bags".
  • You have license plates on your walls, but not on your car.
  • Most restaurants you go to begin with "El" or "Los".
  • You remember when Santa Fe was not like San Francisco.
  • You hated Texans until the Californians moved in.
  • The tires on your roof have more tread than the ones on your car.
  • You price-shop for tortillas.
  • You have an extra freezer just for green chile.
  • You think a red light is merely a suggestion.
  • You believe that using a turn signal is a sign of weakness.
  • You don't make eye contact with other drivers because you can't tell how well armed they are just by looking.
  • You think six tons of crushed rock makes a beautiful front lawn.
  • You have to sign a waiver to buy hot coffee at a drive-up window.
  • You ran for state legislature so you can speed legally.
  • You pass on the right because that's the fast-lane.
  • You have read a book while driving from Albuquerque to Las Vegas.
  • You know they don't skate at the Ice House and the Newsstand doesn't sell newspapers.
  • You think Sadies was better when it was in the bowling alley.
  • You have used aluminum foil and duct tape to repair your air conditioner.
  • You can't control your car on wet pavement.
  • There is a piece of a UFO displayed in your home.
  • You know that The Jesus Tortilla is not a band.
  • You wish you had invested in the orange barrel business.
  • You just got your fifth DWI and got elected to the state legislature in the same week.
  • Your swamp cooler got knocked off your roof by a dust devil.
  • You have been on TV more than three times telling about how your neighbor was shot or about your alien abduction.
  • You can actually hear the Taos hum.
  • All your out-of-state friends and relatives visit in October.
  • You know Vegas is a town in the northeastern part of the state.
  • You are afraid to drive through Mora and Espanola.
  • You iron your jeans to "dress up".
  • You don't see anything wrong with drive-up window liquor sales.
  • Your other vehicle is also a pick-up truck.
  • Two of your cousins are in Santa Fe, one in the legislature and the other in the state pen.
  • You know the punch line to at least one Espanola joke.
  • Your car is missing a fender or bumper.
  • You have driven to an Indian Casino at 3am because you were hungry.
  • You think the Lobos fight song is "Louie, Louie"
  • You know whether you want "red or green."
  • You're relieved when the pavement ends because the dirt road has fewer pot-holes.
  • You can correctly pronounce Tesuque, Cerrillos, and Pojoaque.
  • You have been told by at least one out-of-state vendor that they are going to charge you extra for "international" shipping.
  • You expect to pay more if your house is made of mud.
  • You can order your Big Mac with green chile.
  • You see nothing odd when, in the conversations of the people in line around you at the grocery store, every other word of each sentence alternates between Spanish and English.
  • You associate bridges with mud, not water.
  • You know you will run into at least 3 cousins whenever you shop at Wal-Mart, Sam's or Home Depot.
  • Tumbleweeds and various cacti in your yard are not weeds. They are your lawn.
  • If you travel anywhere, no matter if just to run to the gas station, you must bring along a bottle of water and some moisturizer.
  • Trailers are not referred to as trailers. They are houses. Double-wide trailers are "real" houses.
  • A package of white flour tortillas is the exact same thing as a loaf of bread. You don't need to write it on your shopping list; it's a given.
  • At any gathering, regardless of size, green chile stew, tortillas, and huge mounds of shredded cheese are mandatory.
  • Prosperity can be readily determined by the number of horses you own.
  • A tarantula on your porch is ordinary. A scorpion in your tub is ordinary. A poisonous centipede on your ceiling? Ordinary. A black widow crawling across your bed is terribly, terribly common. A rattlesnake is an occasional hiking hazard. No need to freak out.
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Postby Aigle » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:17 pm

Thalaria wrote:
[*]A tarantula on your porch is ordinary. A scorpion in your tub is ordinary. A poisonous centipede on your ceiling? Ordinary. A black widow crawling across your bed is terribly, terribly common. A rattlesnake is an occasional hiking hazard. No need to freak out.[/list]

I am never going to New Mexico. Ever. Arizona wasn't bad, except everyone kept saying "Oh, it's just dry heat" DRY HEAT MY ASS.


Another funny tidbit about Michigan thanks to a text message from my brother up in Houghton, MI

(this is an actual road sign on your way in to "town")

"I just passed a guy wearing a t-shirt, shorts, sandles and eating an ice cream cone...It's 15* out."
'..a male gynocologist is like an auto mechanic who's never owned a car..'

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Postby Zancarius » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:24 pm

LOL that's awesome.

Honestly, the fauna here isn't all that bad. Scorpion stings only burn for a little while and then they itch like crazy (though they can cause mild palpitations).
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