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Gearing for 10 man content tank wise

Instance and raid scheduling.

Gearing for 10 man content tank wise

Postby Grimblast » Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:08 pm

So figured I'd fire up this thread to compile information to help our tanks figure out how to gear up for the 10 man raids. I'll start with the important stats and we can go from there as I get more information or others contribute.

The Basics

HP(unbuffed): 26000
Defense skill: 540 (this makes you uncrittable and uncrushable)

Now something to remember. Gear gives you defense rating, not skill so rating converts to skill. At level 70 the ratio was 2.365 Defense Rating = 1 Defense Skill. At level 80, the ratio is 4.918 Defense Rating = 1 Defense Skill. So it takes twice as much defense rating as it kind of did before to hit that noncrit cap. Now you can't be 100% uncrittable but for the most part you are. Everything should have at least a 1% chance to crit you. As far as I can recall and have seen, the same old rules apply when the mob is higher in level than you, they get an increased chance to hurt you. This is why it's important to hit that 540. Any skill beyond 540 won't reduce the crit anymore than the tooltip states but it will still boost your avoidance stats so that's just food for thought.

I'll still be adding to this but aim for those 2 stats tanks then focus on avoidance afterwards. There are a good deal of enchants out there for defense now so hit up your local guild enchanters and contacts!

Gear listings/links

Badge Gear Help List[/url]
- Helpful listing of which badge gear you might consider getting and in what order
- Engineering Stamina Gun

Last edited by Grimblast on Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:04 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Postby Tirian » Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:35 pm

With Thal and Turus's disenchanting assistance, I'm gearing up to enchant as fast as I can. Let me know if you need anything -- I can't guarantee you I'll have it, but I'm working on it.

Also, if anyone has stuff they want to donate to DE to build up a guild enchanter, send'em my way. Enchants are always free for guidies.

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