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DESTRealm DeTach mod added to the Forums

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DESTRealm DeTach mod added to the Forums

Postby Zancarius » Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:43 pm

All right, I've patched in the DESTRealm DeTach mod so you should be able to upload a variety of files. There are some restrictions, however. First, certain files will NOT be possible to upload--.php, .py, .exe, .bat, and a variety of other potentially hazardous files. Images and media (including movies) should be possible to upload provided they 1) Do not exceed the server's upload limitation of 8M and 2) violate copyright law. The maximum upload size is non-negotiable for the most part, unless you can supply a good reason for it to be increased. Also, the maximum per-user quota for ALL files is 50M; the same restrictions apply for the per-user quota that exist for per-file uploads.

The attachment mod was written over the course of about an evening with a few display tweaks. I've not modified it since then and it's likely to contain a number of bugs (there's a few I've not bothered to fix, either). However, it generally works quite well unless you happy to upload a file with a really, really long filename or tons of spaces. Sometimes it gets confused. I guess it takes after the author.

Brief user guide:

To use the attachment mod, you should see a "File Manager" link toward the top of the forum, under the navigation menu. This link will only appear if you have logged in. Clicking the link will take you to the attachment mod interface. Most features are fairly self-explanatory; to upload, click "browse" and then click "upload file"--to create a directory, click the "add dir" link next to the directory you wish to create. Moving and deleting is a little more difficult and is the one part of the interface I probably shouldn't have made so user-unfriendly. All things considered, you should be able to figure it out. Most files should also be scanned by clamav for viruses.

Attaching a file can be accomplished two ways: 1) Click the new "Attach File from File Manager" button below your thread, navigate to the file you wish to attach, and then click the file name or 2) using the "File Manager" link, navigate to the file you wish to attach, right-click the file name, and choose "Copy Link Location" (Firefox) or "Copy Shortcut" (Internet Exploder). The latter method is the only one that will work if you choose to use the img tag to post images in the forum.

If you happen to run into anything while uploading or are unable to grab a file that you're absolutely certain you've uploaded via the file manager, let me know. Chances are, the database and filesystem are out of sync with each other or the file may have contained characters the uploader didn't like (it's not UTF-8 safe, so if you use non-latin character sets, you're pretty well screwed). In any event, if you prod me enough, I might even decide to polish it up a bit and fix a few features. The mod has never been released on phpBB's site, either, and is only in use on a few forums operated by either myself or someone I know.
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