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This surprised me...

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This surprised me...

Postby Zancarius » Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:51 pm

I always thought warlocks were more of a nuisance that served to simply wear down approaching forces. Tonight changed a great deal of that... I hate boasting; I was incredibly surprised by this night's AV, and so I had to screenshot it. I'm sure it's not something I'm going to see again, however. Not unless I'm on defense...

I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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Postby Grimblast » Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:57 pm

7 down the list baby!
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Postby Zancarius » Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:50 am

You're usually #1 or #2 on the list. I don't think I'm gonna be able to beat you kill-wise if you're on defense again!
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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Postby Snobal » Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:27 am

Ya i went in an AV the other day with 372 honorable kills I was like... woah. Got the highest honor kills but only fourth place. :cry:
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Postby Zancarius » Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:41 am

Defense is great. Turus and I were the only defenders on that AV but some Nax-geared rogue had the hots for him... were it not for the rogue, I know Turus would've been the top-ranked on that AV.

Most of my kills come from conflagrate/shadowburn, and I generally only get to use those when someone realizes they're in trouble and turn to flee. I do get a few from dots that slowly tick and kill a wounded player, but those are usually rogues who run in fear. If the rogues would stay and fight, they could certainly drop me before they themselves assume room temperature. Yet, for some reason, they panic as soon as they realize that their vanish failed thanks to a dot. At times such as those, running only prolongs their death.

Better to meet a swift death and drop a few of the enemy than to die useless face-first into a pile of ram dung.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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Postby Grimblast » Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:23 am

You should hear me pounding arcane explosion or frost nova when I get stunned in the mass of bodies running by me. I just want to slow them down at that point or leave them something to remember me by. ;)
Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
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