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Postby -Myk- » Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:53 pm

First off hello to everyone

about me
I am thinking of transferring some characters to your server. I have a lvl 70 druid, 2 lvl 70 hunters and a lvl 40 rogue. My brother is on this server but due to his work hours our times do not line up often. So before i start forking out the cash to move I want to look into some guilds so I have some folks to chat and game with. I consider myself a casual player who likes to do instance, group quests and every now and then a raid (most like run raids with my bro). I do not mid helping people out with quests or crafting if I can and I am willing to help run people through lower lvl instances.

I am 35, live in Colorado and my play time is normally 730pm -10/1030 mountain time M-thurs, 730-11/1130 Fri and on and off all weekend. Real life comes first so if the wife or kids need or want my time I log out nomatter what i am doing in game. I consider myself to be a mature player and want to avoid drama, potty mouth chat (my son will watch me play and is starting to read very well).

I am sound fairly dry and unfun with this post but once I find a group I fit in with I am always joking around and making cracks.

So my questions are

what is the guilds main or prime playing time?

How often are instance and raids run?

Any issue with me raiding and gaming with people outside the guild?

Does my description sound like I would fit the guild and this guild fit me?

If I am logged into your server it is as Rektus, lvl 51 BM hunter

Thank you
Myk (Mike)
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Postby Zancarius » Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:26 pm

We're a casual guild with a lot of players in the MST7MDT time slot (mostly NM and Utah) with a few people from the EST/EDT and central time. As a result, most of our raid times are usually done on Terenas time, which is on Mountain Time. (Some interesting trivia: Being as Terenas is a day 0 server, it was originally one of two or three that were set up for Mountain Time.)

Now, while I've since quit playing, I'll try to answer your questions as best as I can since I can say I've been with the 'goons for... well, ever ;)

-Myk- wrote:what is the guilds main or prime playing time?

Usually any time after 5/6PM mountain time.

-Myk- wrote:How often are instance and raids run?

Typically on Friday and the weekends, although a lot of ad hoc runs are put together during the week if enough people are on.

-Myk- wrote:Any issue with me raiding and gaming with people outside the guild?

Nope, we're part of the SGA, so once you're a member (and only when you're a member), you can have access to the runs hosted by and with the SGA. The SGA is the Small Guild Alliance and is comprised of a number of casual guilds that form up for a variety of raids, typically Karazhan through to Gruul's (although some are done for SSC, TK, etc.). With summer coming to a close and various other real life issues, I do believe that general enrollment is down, but there's normally plenty of people to choose from to get something together.

-Myk- wrote:Does my description sound like I would fit the guild and this guild fit me?

I think so.

-Myk- wrote:If I am logged into your server it is as Rektus, lvl 51 BM hunter

The best thing to do might be to get your alt into the 'goons and spend some time with us to see if it'd work out before you shell out the cash to do a transfer.

Now, the bad news.

Terenas is something of a backwater server, and I certainly can't say that overall server progression raid-wise is that great. I think much of this has to do with the fact that many of the people on Terenas started it when WoW was released. As WoW has been out for nearly four years, the population has gone from highschool/university age to working, grad school, or finishing up with uni. So... the population is most certainly very casual. There are some full fledged raiding guilds, though, just not a lot.

Hope that helps!
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Postby Rawrbob » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:14 am

If you're interested give me a shout in-game and I'll get you in with your alt if you'd like to see what our guild is like :D

I'm on Rawrbob or Bobbish most of the time :)
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Postby -Myk- » Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:55 am

I have been looking for you in game, I would like to get a low lvl alt into the guild so I can get a feel for your guild.



contact me pls, I will be on Mykal
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Postby Highgrade » Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:32 am

Myk, please contact myself Rawrbob or turus, or any goon for any questions in game one of us can generally be found.
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