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Postby Killemal » Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:14 pm

I've always used AMD and Nvidia. Back in the day you mated AMD and Nvidia. Simple as that. Apparently the hardware flipped since last time I build a machine, so this time when researching, I noticed that AMD boards favored ATI hardware. Believe me, I was a bit upset at first when I found out I couldn't continue buying EVGA products!

As for hardware, Thal may recall that the original HDD's selected for this project WERE 10,000 RPM Seagates (Barracuda's?). After some posts on other forums and a whole lot of reviews from different resellers, it looks like the new Seagates are having MAJOR issues with DOA and short life drives. I chose the new drive based solely on what ACTUAL users of the drives have said after they've had them running for awhile. This model drive has the best ratings in my price range.

Caviar's are crap? Tell that to the 200gig that's been spinning away in my desktop since 2004. Not a bad sector yet

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Postby Killemal » Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:22 pm

Panel is finished!

Optical drive is stealthed!
Just need to rewire the button on that one to a remote switch. Probably re-wire the reset switch as the eject switch.
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Postby Snobal » Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:35 pm

Ooooh, that looks nice.
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Postby Zancarius » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:04 pm

Nice work on the panel.

I noticed that AMD boards favored ATI hardware

Remember, AMD does own ATI now. This was done in part to compete with Intel's integrated graphics. Of course, it does leave nvidia hanging since the previous platform they used to develop controller chipsets for (nforce) and heavily market their graphics cards with has gone elsewhere. I did hear a rumor that nvidia is considering competing in the x86 market. I doubt it's much more than a rumor because of the numerous patents that no doubt lock down any possible competition (AMD and Intel cross license a lot of their stuff between each other, believe it or not).

Caviar's are crap? Tell that to the 200gig that's been spinning away in my desktop since 2004. Not a bad sector yet

Never had any luck with the Caviars. I do have some 40-80GiB Seagates (of course, I haven't used them in a while) that have been around since the early 2000s that still work just fine whenever I've booted them up (some have never seen any file system other than FFS or UFS). I just don't like WD drives. They're loud, they suck, and they suck some more.

Now, I have had a couple of bad Seagates but the interesting thing about their behavior is that they're generally DOA when they die. WD's tend to die within a few months to a year or two if they're going to kick the bucket. Maxtors will simply sing you a song (I've had this happen, too--no one believed me until they heard it for themselves from another Maxtor).
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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