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A Well Needed Hug.

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A Well Needed Hug.

Postby Cephalxn » Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:18 am

so i had a shit day on WoW today... so i ticketed a GM saying i needed a hug... here's the transcript...

*i'd post pictures but i can't open TGA files as photoshop isn't on this computer*

oh fuck, i just realised i can't transcribe it because i can't open the fucking pictures...


anyway... here's the jist of what happened... i ticketed them after i missed an ony run due to not being attuned... and lith had disconnected just after i found his Ras book... about an hour or so later i get a whisper from a GM asking me how i'm going and that they were here about the ticket saying i needed a hug... i was like "yeah i'm alright... just a bit bummed because so many runs/raids had gone badly today" and they were like "aww.. that's no good! i hope things get better for you ^_^"... then they were like, so it sounds like someone needs a hug.. and i was like "yeah" and they said "*hugs cephalxn in a completely hetrosexual way, but just as friends*"... then they were like "take care, and i hope that helps :) now i'm off to save other people from their problems" and i was like "take care :D"..

haha it was radical..
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Postby Aigle » Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:40 am

LOL aw, poor Ceph-y [hugs across the atlantic] (I think that's closer than the Pacific, I could be wrong..)

Got to love, 'in a totally heterosexual way'. Now that man is in touch with his feminine side..What was his name again? =P jokes..

Hope your day goes better. Let me know when you're up for another run, we'll get those boots for you, one way or another. If I have to stripe and tank Rattlegore myself, I will! <nod>...

(bit of a suggestion about the image issue. Right click over the file, and click open with, then internet explore. Works that way, too :) Not sure if it will do it with firefox, but it's worth a shot.)

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Postby Snobal » Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:32 pm

*hug ceph*
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Postby Lithium » Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:59 pm

<3 Ceph. I'm sorry about the d/c man. I nodded off while waiting for some soup to cool.

Woke up with cold soup and mass confusion, lol.

-Hugs- In a completely homosexual way, baby. :wink:
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