Bumping this for a couple of things. Some of you have experienced timeouts and some of you
think you have experienced timeouts (others in the channel were AFK and not responding).
How to spot a timeout
If your client connection has timed out, you won't see your own text echoed back to you. If you do, you're okay. A quick way to tell would be to type [icode]/who[/icode] and get a channel list reported back. If you've been timed out, you won't see the channel list (or shouldn't!).
I currently have a ticket in the system as a reminder to fix this. I expect to correct this on the client side in a few days to make sure that it reports when it's lost connection. I may have to tweak the timeout settings a bit since it seems that the default of 30 seconds worth of timeout isn't enough, especially since the client will throttle itself to checking every 20 seconds when you tab to other windows. So what's probably happening is that your browser isn't saying "hey, I'm alive!" within that 10 second safety window, thus you get disconnected.
You can check out
the milestone for a beta release and the
active tickets. If you run into a bug, feel free to report it. The worst that can happen is I'll be a jerk and label it "wontfix"