Thanks Sno, Tarlas, Turus, and everyone else. (You're still free to bug me about software/OS related questions, btw! It's not like your license to ask has been taken away by me electing to leave WoW!) Plus, it's not like I'm dropping off the face of the Earth! (I may pop on now and again until my subscription is finally up, though.) To be honest, it's mostly that I finally realized I don't have the time (or want to spend it) to continue with lengthy, boring grinds. Maybe WotLK will change that, but I doubt it. Besides, by the time it's released, I won't have the time to grind up another 10 levels since I'll either be in mid-semester or getting settled in after graduation. Honestly, I think it's also been a partial reality check. In the (nearly) four years that I've played WoW, I've watched my sensible use of my free time dwindle to the point that my creative output has all but evaporated. I love to write, and I've been planning to write a book or such for years--but WoW has really impeded progress on that front.
I suppose part of it is that my free time is very valuable to me.
As far as the game goes, there's a few reasons I've been thinking of which I have enumerated here:
- Most reputation grinds take a minimum of two weeks with up to 4 or 5 hours a day before reaching exalted. I needed CE rep. on my druid on the order of up to eight more SV runs. That's going to take well over three weeks. In three weeks, my semester will be very close to starting.
- The 'goons have evolved. Many people are growing bored with the same old content grind, and our focus has been shifting to raiding. There's nothing wrong with that, but (and I'm sure many of our MUCH more casual people than I can attest) those who don't want to, can't, or don't have the time are pretty well left to their own devices. I was fortunate in that most people knew me, that I have a very well-geared 70, and were more or less willing to help, but I hate to impose on people my own greedy desires. Namely, getting my druid's reputation up. It's boring, and unless you're a druid, leatherworker, or blacksmith, you have no need to work on your CE rep. Besides, some people may only want to go as far as they need to in order to get what they came for. And frankly, I'm not interested in hitting up the SGA; they've really shifted to raiding (that, and I'd probably have to spec. resto. in order to get anything done--see below).
- Healers are in high demand. Most guilds need between two and four times the ratio of healers to tanks. Tanking was the first thing I fell in love with in this game. Many of you who are fairly new to the 'goons (post July 2007) probably don't know this, but I was prot for a very, very long time on Thal. It was something I loved, and still do when I get a chance. But... the 'goons need healers, they need to recruit healers, and the last thing we need are more tanks! I think most guilds are in this position. Recruitment notices on the Terenas forums used to read "looking for tanks!" but they've now, oddly enough, transitioned into "looking for DPS/healers." Sorry folks, but the tanking market is saturated.
- Tanking takes time. Lots of time. Ya'll are much better off if you can gear up tanks that are willing to play very regularly. (Subject to burn out, I'll cover that in a moment.) As a rule of thumb, if you're planning on tanking, you absolutely must expect to play a minimum of two instances that can take up to three hours each per evening. Since the DPS population is still on the high side, sometimes it's a necessity to do many runs in order to get everyone what they want and keep them happy. Tanks also gear much more slowly than other classes do, so it is generally very depressing to sit along on 15 runs into an instance in the hopes you'll get your nice, shiny leggings, boots, trinket, etc., and still not see it drop. You also need fast reflexes--otherwise tanking will never be as rewarding as it could be.
- Healer burn-out. Turus, HG, Alacor, and everyone else who has ever played a healer will agree: healing gets old after a while. Healers are the fastest classes to burn out next to tanks. Those of you who are planning to heal, take note: you are in exceedingly high demand. If you can heal, people want you. I think part of this is because the healing model in WoW is broken. (I also think this is part of the reason for our lacking success in Karazhan passed the Shade. Most guilds bring 3-4 healers and one tank; we're the only crazy SOBs who bring two healers and two tanks.)
- Boredom. Oh, I mentioned this already.
- Sonikku was right. Melee DPS gets the short end of the stick, unless you have a penchant for PvP. Why? Because gearing options are limited, boss encounters tend to require a higher healing output with increased melee DPS, and you have to be on your toes. Although I think rogues have far more PvE options than do arms/fury warriors, they're also subject to very similar issues. In case anyone's taken note: All of my gear on Thal, save for a small minority of badge, rep., or maybe a quest reward or two, has come from PvP. I didn't grind out instances for it--I instead chose to grind out the arenas. For anyone who happens to think about playing a warrior spec'd in arms/fury take heed: your gearing options early on are very limited. I might write up a guide on early blue quality gear to get or focus on, since that's more or less what I did. However, you'll want to grind PvP like there's no tomorrow. (But don't expect to have an easy ride in PvE once you have 200+ resilience. Trust me, bosses suck.)
Well, that's my take on the state of the game for now. It's amazing what I can get done when I'm not playing WoW... it's almost frightening! I still plan to be very active on the forums, and I'll continue developing and maintaining web applications for the site. I actually have a few ideas for some fun content systems that I've never seen put to use. I'll keep everyone posted. (If my ideas play out, we could set up a "playground" part of the site where people could have their own little corner of the GoonWeb. Structured content makes me very happy.)
See ya'll around. If I can ever get enough people interested in Tribes or Tribes 2, it might be fun to have a small-scale FFA match. But... most WoW players don't care much for FPS games... bummer.
Edit: For those who don't use the little buttons underneath each post, there are other ways to get in touch with me. I especially love answering questions about various things from PHP to Python to FreeBSD and Linux. If you're interested in learning to code, script, or anything else, I'm always more than happy to lend my assistance. So, here goes:
E-mail: zancarius -at- g m a i l DOT com (Sorry for the obscure little deal. That's just in case there's spam bots lurking around!)
Aim: Zancarius
ICQ: 14628555 (let's get old school with the numbers!)
Google Talk: Same as my e-mail.
I have Yahoo! as well, but I hate the protocol. It's the same as my aim, except lower case.
Okay, now I'm finished!