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Recruitment Forum: About, READ ME FIRST!

If you're interested in joining us, post here. Be aware that you will need to register with our forums first! Once you are a member of the guild, you will be able to access all of our other resources and many more forums.

Recruitment Forum: About, READ ME FIRST!

Postby Zancarius » Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:53 pm

This forum exists specifically for players interested in joining the Black Raven Dragoons. Feel free to create a topic (or post here and the administrators/moderators will handle it as appropriate) to convey your interest, ask questions, or request further information. Be advised that you will not be able to access any additional resources until you are a member of the 'goons. We have many, many forums available but only a small subset are accessible until you are accepted as a member (or honorary member).

Also note that you must first register before you will be able to post here (or in the General Chat forum).

This forum is intended only for those who are interested in signing on with the Black Raven Dragoons. If you have further discussions not applicable to requesting information or recruitment by us, please direct them to the General Discussion Forum or any of the other discussion-specific forums.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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