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Guild Partnership with the Runic Raiders

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Guild Partnership with the Runic Raiders

Postby Grimblast » Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:36 am

For those that haven't heard in guild chat or had an opportunity to read the forums we have formed a guild alliance with the Runic Raiders to participate with each other in Kara and eventually Gruuls Lair. The information you need to see their events can be found here. You will need the following addons since they require them as do we: GEM(so you can see their events and ours), Bigwigs(so you can see timers for bosses and when they will pop their abilities), Omen(threat monitor so you know how much threat you have. Helps ensure you don't get yourself killed by going over the tanks aggro), and Teamspeak/ventrillo. They use Vent whereas we use teamspeak. When it comes to the bigger raids, we will be using teamspeak since it can support the numbers.

If you're unsure as to where to get these addons, feel free to ask in guild chat as well as view our links and addons forum.
Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
Dililah Turusian - Norn Necromancer ------------ Rahl Braincrusher - Char Mesmer
Star Earthbreaker - Sylvari Elementalist -------- Rylo Preystalker - Char Ranger
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Postby Grimblast » Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:58 am

I'm posting some kudos here since I haven't had the time to make all the posts. I have mentioned all this in guild chat and voice chat so a lot already know about it. I'd like to thank Ethira, Jargath, and others that have grouped with and spoke with RR in the past. They helped give a good image of our guild and open some communications between us.
Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
Dililah Turusian - Norn Necromancer ------------ Rahl Braincrusher - Char Mesmer
Star Earthbreaker - Sylvari Elementalist -------- Rylo Preystalker - Char Ranger
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Posts: 2513
Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:21 pm
Location: Alamogordo, New Mexico
Gender: Male

Postby Tarlas » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:21 pm

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