by Aigle » Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:56 am
Silly Ros
just go to file manager
select browse, select your file.
then upload file
You then can click on the file name and link it in a forum post. Or you can use a handy website (though not recomended if it's your self photo..).
Anywho, I'll get something up later on tonight after I get home from work; running a bit late today
email address is gwenwhyfare (at) hotmail (dot) com
Joined the mass on myspace.. www (dot) myspace (dot) com (front slash) gwenwhyfare
Just because I felt like being difficult this morning
Hope you're all having a terrific day!
Last edited by
Aigle on Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
'..a male gynocologist is like an auto mechanic who's never owned a car..'
<a href="">Aigle</a> - 60 Human Priest (Main)
<a href="">Eilyselyse</a> - 60 Night Elf Hunter
<a href="">Amarlena</a> - 20 Human Rogue
<a href="">Cailleach</a> - 9 Night Elf Druid