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tooth.count -= 4

Postby Zancarius » Wed May 21, 2008 10:46 pm

Well, tomorrow is [icode]tooth.count -= 4[/icode] day. I probably won't be on much, and if I am, I'll be on Talvarie hanging around with Turus' pally for some alt action. If I'm grumpy, you'll know why. I probably won't be on TeamSpeak much, either--not until Saturday at least. I do intend to keep busy with things that don't involve technology, though, since staying active tends to help the healing process a bit. They're not completely sure why but it does.

So, see you all some other time.

Note: I may be scarce for a while. I've been mulling over quitting WoW for a while, so we'll see what happens. Depending on how I feel, that might just come to fruition.
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Postby Aigle » Thu May 22, 2008 9:27 am

Tooth count 4...I take it a dentist appointment? I never liked them much. Maybe it was that time when I went in for a cleaning and ended up with a cracked jaw...


Anyway, hang in there Thal! And if it's not a dentist appointment still hang in there!
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Postby Zancarius » Thu May 22, 2008 3:11 pm

Well, it's reached that point where I needed to have my wisdom teeth removed. I'm in the initial phase of it, which means that I have returned home, and I'm already starting to feel much of the pain. So far, it isn't entirely enjoyable, but the odd thing is that it still isn't quite at the magnitude of a sinus headache. I suspect it'll get a bit worse, but they've given me some drugs that seem rather capable of limiting the extent. Looking at myself with the gauze in my mouth is rather entertaining, being as I look something like a chipmunk.
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Postby Grimblast » Thu May 22, 2008 4:21 pm

what did I tell ya, slack jawed yockel! lol
Just kidding. Glad to hear you got those things removed. Now no more pain from them once you are healed up!
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Postby Zancarius » Thu May 22, 2008 4:45 pm

Yeah, the painkillers they gave me worked well for about the first 45 minutes. They've worn off a bit now, and I'm really tired and sore.
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Postby Zancarius » Fri May 23, 2008 11:46 am

Oddly enough, my jaw stopped hurting significantly last night around 8PM after my second dosage, and they weren't all that uncomfortable during the night. I did run out of gauze and resorted to using teabags (hey, it's the closest I can get to a tea infusion) since the tannic acid can help quell the bleeding. I took them out around noon today and figured I'd go about an hour without putting something back in. Biting down is grossly uncomfortable for the time being, however. Now I feel like a mouth-breather...

On the other hand, and here's something that surprised me a bit... Although the hours following the extraction during the period of time feeling was returning in my mouth was quite painful, the pain from having teeth removed (4 of them, including one that required a LOT of effort since it was partially submerged under jawbone and horizontally impacted) does not compare at ALL to the pain of my sinus headaches. Sinus headaches are definitely the most excruciatingly painful events I have ever had to face.

So, for the time being, it feels like I have a sore throat with the minor exception that the pain is very slightly higher than normal. (The lymph node on the right-hand side of my face is about quadruple the size it normally is, but the swelling on my left-hand size is negligible.) It was an interesting experience to say the least. I am glad in a certain manner of speaking that I waited this long to have them removed. On the one hand, three had erupted from the gums, so they were merely simple extractions (well, and my teeth were somewhat late in coming out). And on the other, since I am a bit older than most people who have their wisdom teeth removed, I think it's safe to say that I was able to recall more of the experience than most would be capable of. It's not something that I'd want to go through again, that's for sure.

Just for comparison... on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest amount of pain, I'd probably rate this an 8 (before the drugs kicked in). I'd rate my sinus headaches a 15.
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Postby Highgrade » Fri May 23, 2008 3:51 pm

yeah the surgery on my shoulder was the easy part it is getting it back in use that sucks this is the first time i have really been able to stand the use of a keyboard since the surgery. i am at about 7.5 on the pain-o-meter.
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Postby Killemal » Fri May 23, 2008 4:18 pm

Thalaria wrote:The lymph node on the right-hand side of my face is about quadruple the size it normally is, but the swelling on my left-hand size is negligible.

Swollen lymph nodes are usually a sign of infection. If that right hand one gets any bigger, I'd probably call your GP and see what they say. I had a pretty bad infection in a sebaceous cyst in my ear once and the lymph node on that side went insane and swelled up pretty big.
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Postby Zancarius » Fri May 23, 2008 4:32 pm

Hmm, that's a good point. I am on a fairly high dosage of antibiotics at the moment. Truth be told, it's difficult to tell precisely what it is. The area all around the jaw is quite swollen since they had to cut into it rather deeply. The tooth was horizontal with a slight jawbone cap over it. I'm going to wait and see if it subsides by tomorrow. If it does, then it's probably just part of the swelling associated with a rather invasive process. (The others aren't all that bad, but they were standard extractions and popped right out.)

Thanks, Killem, I'm going to keep this in mind.

Edit: It might not be the lymph node now that I felt around a bit. I can barely feel the node, but it's surrounded by a bit of inflamed tissue, so it's rather difficult to locate.
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Postby Aigle » Fri May 23, 2008 7:15 pm

Wow, a 15..My migraines one imperticular that I had this past Monday was so bad I couldn't see the pain was so intense. I don't have a scale rating for them though of course since I have one every other day..

..Good thing you don't live in Michigan; Thal. I get a sinus infection like clock-work everytime the weather changes. If you've ever been/lived to/in Michigan you'll understand that it will snow one minute, rain the next, and be 80* all in the same day. Beleive me, it's happened. It usually snows on my birthday (october).

Hang in there Thal!
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Postby Zancarius » Fri May 23, 2008 8:21 pm

Aigle wrote:Good thing you don't live in Michigan; Thal. I get a sinus infection like clock-work everytime the weather changes. If you've ever been/lived to/in Michigan you'll understand that it will snow one minute, rain the next, and be 80* all in the same day. Beleive me, it's happened. It usually snows on my birthday (october).

I think it depends on where you live, too, and what you're allergic to in your environment. For me, my sinus headaches are triggered by pinyon trees. I also happen to live in a forest inhabited by--pinyon trees.

Literally... I can go outside when they're pollinating, run a finger across the grill, and get a thick layer of yellow powder. During that time, I usually get them for a month solid. Kinda sucks, and I'm going to see if the nasal irrigation kits work this year. If not, then I'm not too sure what to do (and I don't like the idea of those allergy shots).

Anyhoo... so far, my jaw just feels quite funny. It could be the painkillers or it could be the healing process already starting. The right maxilla molar cavity is the one that's giving me some trouble as far as mild discomfort. I *hope* it's not the onset of dry socket, but I suspect I'm not going to know for a few more days. The extraction sites in the mandible and left maxilla area don't feel bad at all thusfar. There is a bit of discomfort and swelling in the jaw around the site of the more complicated extraction, but I expect that will subside by Monday.

The plus side? I love tomato soup.
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Postby Caryss » Sat May 24, 2008 7:23 am

Egads Thal. I never had anything like that when I had mine removed. No pain, no swelling, nadda. Hopefully it heals up alright! I know with mine, I still have little hollows behind my last tooth left over. Guess that healed up nicely enough. Oh, and keep it clean. All sorts of nasty funk resides in there. And it smells god-awful.
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Postby Zancarius » Sat May 24, 2008 11:23 am

Caryss wrote:Egads Thal. I never had anything like that when I had mine removed. No pain, no swelling, nadda. Hopefully it heals up alright! I know with mine, I still have little hollows behind my last tooth left over. Guess that healed up nicely enough. Oh, and keep it clean. All sorts of nasty funk resides in there. And it smells god-awful.

Oh, I would definitely imagine so. Ancient food particles can really be unusual. I had something happen once a long time ago (with popcorn of all things) and it wasn't particularly enjoyable.

I was rather hoping the the holes would eventually seal up, but I assume that probably won't be the case. I do think that the excessive swelling I've had was from the molar on the right. They had to dig that sucker out from deep within the jawbone. Oddly enough, however, it doesn't hurt all that bad. I keep expecting to feel this heavy throbbing a few people have described but as yet haven't noticed anything.
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