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Mouse Binds?

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Mouse Binds?

Postby Killemal » Wed May 07, 2008 2:53 pm

Anyone using a mouse that they've bound actions to? I have a 6 button mouse with a scroll wheel. Obviously, the right and left click and the wheel are all good, but I've got 3 other buttons that WoW isn't using right now. What actions should I bind to them. I'd like them to be global actions (usable across all toons), so specific spells and racial/class abilities are out. Any suggestions?


Also, I just counted, and by my count I can use up to 24 binds. (3 buttons, 3 modifier keys) I suck at math, so I'm probably wrong.
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Postby Zancarius » Wed May 07, 2008 6:59 pm

I just have a regular 2 button mouse + scroll wheel. While it'd be nice to get a gaming mouse, there is one small caveat: they don't make decent gaming mice for left handers.

However, I key-bind my abilities like crazy. For example:

(All stances)
H = Mortal Strike
. = Piercing Howl
P = Sunder
Alt+O = Use potion
Alt+L = Challenging Shout
Alt+H = bandage target (or self if no target)
Alt+I = Perception
Alt + ] = Battle shout
Alt + [ = Commanding Shout
Alt + Backspace = Weapon swap (shield/1h <-> 2h)

(Beserker stance)
U = Hamstring
; = Execute
O = Pummel
Alt + P = Pummel mouse-over target (useful for pesky casters standing too close to my current victim)
Y = Whirlwind

... and Oh, what the hell...

I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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Postby Killemal » Wed May 07, 2008 8:45 pm

Mine isn't even a gaming mouse. I've got a Kingston Pilotboard wireless desktop set that I got a while back for a media PC setup that I never finished. Works great for my dual screen laptop though. The mouse software even has the ability to slow the cursor movement with the touch of a button (perfect for FPS sniping).
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Postby Highgrade » Thu May 08, 2008 8:15 am

woo hoo i am in the picture...............sorta.
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