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Postby Sumdumbmage » Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:07 am

So ya, Turus and I were discussing Aigle's issue at work today. Later today when I'm at home and in front of a Vista machine so I can screenshot the steps, I will do so and post again with a "hopeful fix".
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Possible fix for Aigle

Postby Sumdumbmage » Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:21 pm

So if you follow these steps there is a very good chance you may be able to finish patching and run WoW.

1. Open your Start menu from the Start button (Bottom Left Hand Corner).

2. Choose All Programs and then Accessories.

3. Select the Run Program listed under Accessories.

4. In the run dialog text box, type msconfig and then choose ok

5. In the system configuration utility window that opens, you will see 5 tabs, General, Boot, Services, Start up, Tools.

6. Select the Tools tab, and then scroll down the tool names and descriptions, highlight Disable UAC

6.5 With Disable UAC chosen click the Launch button at the bottom right... you will then see a windows command prompt box that says "Operation Performed Successfully" close the command prompt box

7. Click apply in the System Configuration Utility and then OK,

8. Exit System Configuration Utility

9. Reboot PC

This was the fix for several people with that particular error, and with any luck it'll work.

For some reason I can't possibly explain right now I can't attach images so no least not yet.
Last edited by Sumdumbmage on Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Zancarius » Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:59 pm

I'm not sure what the problem is with posting the pictures, but it's probably a result of the file manager. (I wrote it. Sorry it's a bit cumbersome and buggy--haven't had time to fix it/make it more user friendly!)

These should be the pictures Sum uploaded:



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Postby Aigle » Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:44 pm

Awesome! I'll try this here in a bit. Thanks guys for the help. Maybe I'll be back sooner than I thought!
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<a href="">Aigle</a> - 60 Human Priest (Main)
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Postby Tarlas » Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:00 pm

It'll be good to have you back ... even tho I never knew ya! I'm a relatively new
goon. The name's Tarlas ( ... everyone else knows me already) [attach=link]Tarlas Pwnage.png[/attach]
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Postby Sumdumbmage » Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:40 pm


If you've tried this and have not had success, please re-read and retry the fix. Step 6.5 was added because Microsoft sux and can't allow for a change to be made in that utility just by selecting it and choosing to apply. No, you have to select it, then launch it, then choose apply...Go Microsoft...GHEAY!
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Postby Aigle » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:27 am

Tarlas wrote:It'll be good to have you back ... even tho I never knew ya! I'm a relatively new
goon. The name's Tarlas ( ... everyone else knows me already) [attach=link]Tarlas Pwnage.png[/attach]

It will be good to get back and get to know all of the new members, I definetly miss you guys!

Hopefully my toons are still available (I'll be so upset if they're not..). If not, I'll probably start where I did when I first started playing..As a hunter, we'll see..

Sumdumbmage wrote:Aigle,

If you've tried this and have not had success, please re-read and retry the fix. Step 6.5 was added because Microsoft sux and can't allow for a change to be made in that utility just by selecting it and choosing to apply. No, you have to select it, then launch it, then choose apply...Go Microsoft...GHEAY!

I haven't given it much effort yet. Work is getting in the way of my personal life at the moment. Trade Show season is in full swing so hopefully when it dies down around June I'll be able to work my way back in. We'll be switching to Mac's here soon at work and I've put it on the table that I'd be interested in buying my computer I use which has windows xp...and a nice 34" LCD monitor..:D

Again, thanks all for the joint effort in helping I appreciate it!

Much love,

'..a male gynocologist is like an auto mechanic who's never owned a car..'

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Postby Tirian » Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:03 pm

Your alts should be available, but there might be some weird but relatively inconsequential issues (i.e. your friends list may have disappeared, etc.). I quit for about a year and a half when I was out of the US, and all was fine when I came back (admittedly, I did call Blizzard three times before I left to beg that they not somehow delete them).

Even though I've been semi-unemployed for three months and I'm about to start grad school in June, I'm still thinking that I want to buy maybe a 30" LCD to replace my TV and supplement my laptop when I move in early fall. This may not be a great idea.
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Postby Aigle » Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:58 pm

Good to know! I would definetly be heartbroken if Aigle was gone with all of the time and effort I invested in her. I'm not worried about the friend's list, anyone important in-game, or who I enjoyed talking to (ex. you guys!) has a way to contact me.

The larger screen's are nice, but always remember to not stare at them for long periods of time..You definetly go crosseyed ;) (I have to walk away from mine at work several times during the day)
'..a male gynocologist is like an auto mechanic who's never owned a car..'

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Postby Zancarius » Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:04 pm

I'm satisfied with a 21". The only way I'd go larger would be with dual monitors (I think that has more utility than just increasing the size, but it depends on application--dual monitors isn't so useful for movies and media).

Blizzard does retain characters indefinitely. In fact, I don't recall ever coming across any sort of deletion subtext in the licenses. In spite of their problems, I have to admit: They know how to keep customers and make money. Deleting characters doesn't achieve that. At least, I don't think so.

Ooh, and another point: Times have changed. Storage space is a commodity now, so it shouldn't even be close to the issue it was back in the days of games that would destroy all of your achievements in some artificial manner just to make more room.
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