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Here's what HG told me...

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Here's what HG told me...

Postby Zancarius » Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:23 pm

I made the mistake of stating that he was insulting my mum in binary. Looks like I was wrong. How'd I know?

Code: Select all
#!/usr/bin/env python

# String, split into octets and left-padded with zeros.
str = "00101010 10001001 00100001 11100101 00111001"

# Create an array of the input
arr = str.split(' ')

# The processed integers will go in this list
numbers = []

# Each 8 characters (0 or 1) is considered an octet. We're going to loop through each one here.
for octet in arr:

    # Set some temporary variables.
    out = 0
    multiplier = 128

    # Loop through each character in a single octet.
    for num in octet:
        # "out" gets turned into the number times multiplier. The multiplier changes depending on the position in the string.
        out += int(num) * multiplier

        # Divide multiplier by 2 using bitwise arithmetic. Using multiplier = multiplier / 2 achieves the same effect.
        # This works because shifting each bit right by 1 effectively divides by two.
        multiplier = multiplier >> 1

# Print it!
for number in numbers:
    print chr(number),

To run this, you'd need Python. Just paste it into a new text file and run it with the interpreter (won't get into that here, but if you installed the Windows version, a double-click should work).
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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Postby Snobal » Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:42 pm

Thal... I love you and you're programming awesomeness

Me trying to program:


By the way...

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