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Magister's terrace

Instance and raid scheduling.

Magister's terrace

Postby Highgrade » Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:37 pm

Last night Thal, turus, sumdum, zeraphine, and myself ventured into magisters terrace.

Easy instance till the end boss

1) First boss very much like the Last boss of the steam vaults. Tank him near the Crystals, He will tap these crystals for mana and then do massive aoe damage to everyone in the room. not possible to LOS this damage just gotta eat it, However if you can DPS the crystals fast he will only do a few bursts. KILL THE CRYSTALS QUICK.

2) Second boss, first thing you see is alot of mana worms. Try and pull single groups when they die they give you a damage buff for a few seconds but they will kill clothies quick. there is one night elf patroler in here i suggest pulling him without worms
as i do not know whether he gets buffed or not when they die. We cleared all the wors before engaging the boss

The boss himself is preety much a tank and spank with a catch, Think curator, you have to have somone on spark duty, They are preety weak but when they die they stack a debuff that increases the arcane dmg done to the person that killed the spark so rotate you spark killer. besides that tank and spank baby.

3) Third Boss, Think Moroes, you will see a Thong Whore (Sonniku) with four minions Hunter, Warrior, Lock, Rogue. this is where you need cc Sheep the casters and kill the Boss first she hits like Turus using his stave. But she heals so she has to drop first. then start picking targets we killed the rogue and hunter first then hit the sheeps all in all easiest fight is you got the cc

4) Kael'Thas . Son't know best strat for him yet as we did not beat him the Sand Man beat us. Kael is a tank and spank however he summons a phoenix that has to be off tanked and killed it does massive aoe fire damage, as well when you kill it the pheonix turns into an egg, you have to DPS this egg fast or the phoenix comes back. once the egg is down focus on kael till the phoenix reappears, Rinse lather repeat.

if this is incorrect and i do not mean spelling or grammer cause i was raised in bumsville utah where they all talk like Jethro.
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Postby Grimblast » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:05 pm

Well, managed to bring him Kael down last night and it looks liek the phoenix spawn stops at 50% where he removes gravity and we run from his 'balls' and attack him at the same time. You take damage over time and more so if you get too close to the balls. After some time passes he drops you to the ground and he is dazed for a few seconds giving you opportunity to blitz him. He then removes gravity again and so on so forth. Just avoid the orbs and you have this fight.
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Postby Rawrbob » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:08 am

A note on the second boss...

at 20% he starts a progressive damage AoE that climbs by 100 damage each second. He's not hard if you DPS him down quickly, just gotta use burst as much as possible and you'll be fine.
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Postby Zancarius » Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:47 pm

Rawrbob wrote:A note on the second boss...

at 20% he starts a progressive damage AoE that climbs by 100 damage each second. He's not hard if you DPS him down quickly, just gotta use burst as much as possible and you'll be fine.

He does give whoever kills the sparks a stackable debuff that increases their damage output by a fair margin (I was getting ~2.5k non-crit white damage hits on him). Unfortunately, it also increases damage done to the spark soaker by a fair margin per stack. At around 200% damage output, I was taking on the order of 1.5k-2k damage per tick from the debuff. I'd imagine it would be possible to exploit that debuff to quickly stack damage against him. Done properly, he should be easy to take down. Done incorrectly, and the damage he deals plus the debuff will quickly wipe a party. That's what happened to us the first time when we had the entire party divert to the sparks. After that, I became the dedicated spark killer.

In retrospect, I think it depends on the skill of the healer(s). If the healer does well and is NOT a group healer, you can have one person soak the sparks and use the damage stack on the boss. Otherwise, I think it would be possible for a group healer to handle multiple people contending with sparks. I'm not too keen on trying that bit, though.
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Postby Sonikku » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:37 pm

We found having an Affliction Warlock drain tank him after taking out enough of the adds was about the only way we could drop him on Heroic with a single-target healer like Paladin. The Fel Armor healing buff, Siphon life dot and Life Drain keep dps on the guy while off-loading some of the stress the stackable dot causes. The third boss fight is maddening, trying to Seduce one mob, Banish another mob and Fear another all while keeping DPS on the boss and keeping track of all the timers in your head because your mods are broken. ;_; It's a good thing Warlocks are such a balanced class... A Prot Paladin helps. If you can drop the thong whore and her orgy assembly you've beaten the thoughest boss short of a 25 man.

Fighting Kael'Tas feels anti-climatic after dropping the third one. Kiting the bird with a Warlock helps because you can "run and gun" so to speak by unleashing dots all while running away from him. Get away before it dies or it's instant death. At one point Kael'Thas will charge up a 30k Pyroblast that can't be interrupted. It will kill the tank. By this point the Warlock should be able to drain tank him for the rest of the fight, doting and flying while in the air, life drain spamming while on the ground.


-When Kael'Thas reaches 50%, praying to the Warcraft gods may help in causing him to not summon his second Phoenix at the start flying phase. You may be able to survive an encounter with a Phoenix and you might be able to survive having Kael'Thas' balls in your face, but not both.

-Bring only dps that has CC. (Warlock + 2 mages ideal)

-Don't bring single target healers. (Holy Paladin/Resto Shaman)

-Prot Pallies can bubble to save themselves from the 30k pyroblast. Dropping aggro won't matter as aggro tables seem to fly out the window at this point.

-Rogues might be able to tank Kael'Thas and dodge the pyroblast with their overpowered Cheat Death ability. I suppose a Protection Warrior MIGHT be able to survive it if they pop shield wall and Last Stand before it lands with a Paladin using Fire resist aura up, no guarantees.

-Timbal's Focusing Crystal goes to a Warlock. NOT A MAGE.

Follow all these tips and you might be able to beat Heroic MrT!! Good luck!

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Postby Caryss » Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:15 am

Does a shaman's chain heal not help at all? That hits 3 people at a pop. Hear it is pretty damn good for a resto shammy to use in these instances.
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Postby Sonikku » Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:58 pm

If you think you can keep your mana up in long drawn out battles with that heal then certainly.
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Postby Caryss » Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:14 am

Not me. I hated resto. Hah. And besides, I don't play anymore... at least, until Blizz shows me something new and exciting. ^^

I just heard that chain heal is one pretty nice heal for instances.
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