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Late Night Kara Runs anyone?

Instance and raid scheduling.

Late Night Kara Runs anyone?

Postby Sumdumbmage » Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:56 pm

It seems that there are on average quite a few goons who stay up past grandpas bedtime. By the time some of us login, Kara runs have either just begun or are ending. So I'm curious how many of us "nightbirds" out there may be interested in scheduling some Kara runs later in the p.m.? or hell maybe even the a.m.

If you're thinking you might wanna do some later runs then please respond with times and days that sound good to you. That way we can start coordinating schedules and see what works for everyone and filling spots. This is just a thought, if there's not enough interest then cool. Also, to pull this off we're gonna need someone to lead the runs. If you wanna volunteer to lead please do so. :)
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Postby Grimblast » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:01 pm

That is not a bad idea, Sum! I'm not sure how many stay up late since I have to work early in the morn but gives our later players a chance at the place!
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