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Mission Statement

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Mission Statement

Postby Zancarius » Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:21 am

This was an idea I had proposed in the officer meeting last night. It is mostly intended for use as a short description of us for the purposes of recruitment. I want to put this forward for the guild so that we can collect and condense a few ideas that will allow us to have a nice statement that describes 1) who we are, 2) what makes us different from other guilds, and 3) why someone would want to be a fellow 'goon. I'd imagine that we could condense a pretty decent description into the space of about three or four sentences.

Some ideas:
  • Guild chat is worthwhile
  • We don't view the game as a job; we're here to have fun, enjoy ourselves, and generally make the whole thing quite entertaining.
  • Guilds aren't about the game--they're about a community. The game is secondary. It's important to have a sense of community as it facilitates cooperation and interaction.
  • Guild chat.
  • It takes "goon" to spell "dragoon."
  • Did I mention guild chat?

I'm sure there's plenty more excellent ideas. I'd like to highlight the good points, especially. Certainly there's room for improvement, but I think that we can accelerate growth and accomplishment both by honing in on our strengths.
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