Hey fuckers
I thought it might be a little interesting to get to know you guys a bit more... nothing too personal... just some general chit-chat shit... so i'll get the ball rolling alright?
as you can tell from my deap sexy man voice on TS, i'm 20 and live in the great land of beer and... well... beer... so anyway, i'm usually in and out of work, haven't really figured out what path to take, but you get that being a lazy cunt who likes videogames..
i enjoy long walks on the beach and taking photos. oh and music...
if you don't like music i'm giong to stab you in the groin... with my tongue... you heard me..
if you're ever bored... check this shit out... you can tell me it's shit too, cause i'm not a pussy like you yanks
jokes, you guys did alright in pearl harbour...
if you wanna look at everything, click on the link that says Gallery... you know, next to general and scraps.
and if your REALLY REALLY bored, you can look at what i'm listening too!
"omg" i hear you say "ceph is just sooooo cool"
i know i know
see how fucking bored am i?