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Appeal for help (netherweave)

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Appeal for help (netherweave)

Postby Tirian » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:15 am

Greetings guildmates,

I am currently trying to finally switch back to tailoring and get my Frozen Shadoweave set so I can DPS like the cold-hearted demonlover that I am. However, even after saving cash and cloth for months I am still way behind.

Would any of you have any Netherweave Cloth or Bolts of Netherweave Cloth to spare? A basic estimate says I am going to need around 3,378 sheets (or 563 bolts) more to make my set and max out tailoring... holy craptastic, Batman!

Besides that, for leveling I also need about:
- 50 Knothide Leather
- 30 Netherweb Spider Silk

And for my actual set I need another:
- 33 Primal Water
- 18 Shadowcloth, composed of:
- 7 Primal Fire (have two, so I need only 7 for this)
- 9 Primal Shadow
- 9 Bolt of Imbued Netherweave

Any spares you can send my way will be hugely appreciated. I will be plugging away at farming these mats, but to do it all by farming will take forever.

On a sidenote, all my tailoring is, of course, free to guildies when you or I have mats. Feel free to use me (but not in that creepy way Elade does with the fluffy shackles).



P.S. I should perhaps put this in Trade Skills, but chose to put it in General so more people would see it. Turus, feel free to move it around as you like.
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Postby Killemal » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:20 am

Shoot a mail to Killemal. I got a bunch of netherweave you can have.
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Postby Snobal » Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:58 pm

All mah clothies is r urz.
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