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Stat and Gearing Goals for Kara

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Stat and Gearing Goals for Kara

Postby Grimblast » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:13 pm

Stat and Gearing Goals for Kara
I've been asked by numerous members what stats they need or if their gear will let them into Kara. Here are some base stats you should aim for if you wish to be effective in Kara. I do recommend getting over these stats of course but they give you some kind of goal to aim for. As for gear, you may have to hit some sites to get yourself squared away on what you need and where to get it. We have posted some resources in our instances and raids part of our forums so you may want to skim them and see if any pertain to your class. If you have anything you wish to add here post away! I'm not the expert on Kara but this info looked ok for a good gearing primer for those that aren't sure what they need to aim for.

Stat goals Pre Kara
    Druid DPS Caster
      +600 Spell Dmg, 75 MP5*, 15% Spell Critical, 7k Mana, 6k** Health
    Druid DPS Melee
      2000 AP, 5% Hit, 25% Critical Hit, 6k** Health
    Druid Healer
      +1000 Healing, 90 MP5*, 8k Mana, 6k** Health
    Druid Tank
      20k Armor, Uncrittable (e.g., 415 Defense with 3/3 Survival of the Fittest), 30% Dodge, 12k Health
    Hunter (BM)
      1400 AP, 18% Critical Hit, 5% Hit, 8k Health, 6k Mana
    Hunter (MM/SV)
      1600 AP, 18% Critical Hit, 5% Hit, 8k Health, 6.5k Mana
      +600 Spell Dmg, 20% Base Spell Critical, 8% Spell Hit, 6k** Health, 7.5K Mana
    Paladin DPS Melee
      1500 AP, 25% Critical Hit, 5% Hit
    Paladin Healer
      +1000 Healing, 90 MP5*, 15% Spell Critical (Holy)
    Paladin Tank
      12k Armor, Uncrittable (e.g., 490 Defense), Avoidance 45%, +150 Spell Dmg, 10k Health, 4k Mana
    Priest DPS Caster
      +650 Spell Dmg, 6k/7.5k** Health, 7K Mana
    Priest Healer
      +1200 Healing, 90 MP5*, 6k** Health, 8K Mana
      1400 AP, 9% Hit (including Talents), 20% Critical Hit, 6k** Health
    Shaman DPS Caster
      +600 Spell Dmg, 90 MP5*, 8% Spell Hit (including Talents), 15% Spell Critical Hit, 6k** Health, 7K Mana
    Shaman DPS Melee
      1100 AP, 9% Hit, 20% Critical Hit, 7.5k Health, 6K Mana
    Shaman Healer
      +1000 Healing, 90 MP5*, 10% Spell Critical, 6k** Health, 8K Mana
    Warlock (Affliction)
      +600 Spell Dmg, 8% Spell Hit, 7.5k Health, 6k Mana
    Warlock (Dem/Dest)
      +600 Spell Dmg, 8% Spell Hit, 7.5k Health, 6k Mana
    Warrior DPS Melee
      (2H/DW): 1400/1500 AP, 5%/9% Hit, 25% Critical Hit, 8k Health
    Warrior Tank
      12k Armor, Uncrittable (e.g. 490 Defense), Avoidance 45%, 12k Health

Info cited from ... index.html
Last edited by Grimblast on Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Caryss » Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:56 am

Looks like I'm good to go. ^^
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