Turns out, he was fine, and was in the only section of the car that hadn't been compromised and folded in by the collision. Had anyone else been in the car, it's safe to say that they would not be alive.
He was hit by a car on his rear bumper that was attempting to pass while merging , which spun him out of control and into oncoming traffic. His driver's side was facing directly at an oncoming Jeep, and he had the presence of mind to spin the car so the passenger's side was struck.
The Jeep hit him broadside, in a T-Bone fashion. The car was then launched into a field on the left-hand side of the road.
He was treated and released from the hospital within a few hours following a CAT scan, and is doing fine.
My parents E-Mailed me some photos of the car at the tow yard today. It is totalled.
Interior view: Here, you can see that the door engulfed the passenger side seat, and would have crushed anyone sitting in it. The door actually came halfway inside the car, almost reaching to where my brother was seated.

Outside view of the car:

View of the back seat. Impact was so hard that it bowed it almost in half. You'll notice that all the impact was so harsh that it blew out all of the windows, excluding the windshield and a small triangular window in the back driver's side:

Another outside view of the car:

Another exterior view:

One last exterior. Notice how the roof was pushed upwards and bubbled out by the impact:

Anyway, thought I'd share these. It was a really close call, and I'm glad to still have a brother.