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Members being forced to PUG.

Instance and raid scheduling.

Members being forced to PUG.

Postby Lithium » Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:45 am

It's been called to attention more and more frequently, and I've noticed it myself. People who want to run instances are being forced into PUGs. At first I kept telling people to be patient, and not PUG, because I thought our problem was that we were scattered throughout different instances.

That's not the case. Fact is, it's hard to get (without singling anyone) necessary calsses to get up and go.

Here's the issue I, and a few others, have. It's very irritating when someone will stay on for long periods of time just wanting to complain about random stuff in guild chat. Great, fine. But do it in an instance, it's not that hard. It's frustrating to have the numbers, but not, because they'd rather gchat than run something.

We will lose members over this. I'm addressing it beforehand so we can't say nobody didn't try to fix this issue.

Another thing I've noticed, is I've seen people asking for help and not receiving it, while other members get help at the drop of a hat... a bit of favoritism going on. And it's help from some out of the category that'd rather gchat than run instances. It's just funny that they wouldn't have time for an instance, but they'd have time to chat for four hours and help those they deem "worth" helping. We're in a guild. If you're gonna help at all, help everyone. This picking favorites stuff is unfair to members that have been going on neglected.

It has a lot to do with gender, from what I've been told. WoW's not the place to pick up dates.

Sorry if this is harsh, but hey. Someone needs to set it straight or we'll never do runs if we lose about the 5 or 6 people that have expressed frustration over this.
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Postby Grimblast » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:07 pm

I'll voice my mind on this. We need to get everyone in the guild into the forums. They need to plan instances ahead of time instead of on the fly because I have seen runs start to form up while I've planned to do something else with someone or while everyone is out doing something already. I have very little time to play during the week but the weekends I can dedicate time to hitting places. I don't like to power level or go through low level instances with my 60's. I've had enough of that since some past events have urked me on that. It's actually better to know that you earned the quest reward rather than had it handed to you.

I know PUG's suck. I swore them off a long time ago and refuse to play in one. They have always gone bad for me so I do nothing but all guild runs. I really do encourage everyone to get in the forums and use those instance forums for setting up an instance run ahead of time. We can also grab the gem addon and use that but it has its bugs.

Picking up a date in WOW sounds kind of silly. We are here to play a game and have fun. Not get laid.

Anyways, that's my few cents. Please add to or criticize away :)
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Postby Lithium » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:22 pm

Indeed, I don't like running my 60's through low levels, but if that means saving a guildie from a PUG, I'm for it. Look at Ladelle, for instance. I had to take her through ST and we don't have any appropriate levels to go besides 60's. And even then, couldn't get a hand other than flunk. Had to PUG it.

But, as far as people being too busy. When they're talking about OS's and computer hardware in guild chat and sitting in a city, that doesn't sound busy to me. Or if you're leveling an alt and a run comes up, why not do the run? You can level alts any time. When we have the numbers, that's a limited resource. I agree people should be on the forums and planning stuff, but just because something is on the fly it doesn't mean we shouldn't take the opportunity just to spite them for not planning it. We do spontaneous shit outside of the game, may as well do it inside the game.

But as far as helping people goes... hey, if there's only a 60 on at the time, why not give them a hand? I'm not going to feed them to the dogs just because they can't find anyone in guild around their level. Maybe they want to do all-guild runs too. They shouldn't be slapped down for not being a high level.

These are our next 60's. We don't want to be treating them like that.
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Postby Grimblast » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:30 pm

I know if I'm the only 60 or other person on that I will lend a hand. I feel I'm getting singled out here due to my crappy schedule I've had as of late. I usually drop what I'm doing to help a guildy if my time permits. If I'm already committed to someone's group or to helping them and they are a guildy, I will help them until I run out of time to play.

I do plan stuff on the fly as well and I'm not scolding people for it. What I'm getting at is the fact that if you plan it ahead of time you can guarantee a better outcome of guildies wanting to come. I guess if I came off harsh I apologize for it.
Last edited by Grimblast on Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Zancarius » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:31 pm

Turus wrote:I'll voice my mind on this. We need to get everyone in the guild into the forums. They need to plan instances ahead of time instead of on the fly because I have seen runs start to form up while I've planned to do something else with someone or while everyone is out doing something already.

Agreed. I'm not sure how to correct this since we've only 10 of our 30-ish members on the forum. That's 1/3rd of our population. The only other option would be to use GEM, but I think it is most useful for medium-large guilds. Personally, I'm more comfortable with planning runs ahead of time so I can have real life tasks taken care of and enjoy an evening in WoW without interruption--otherwise I'm flying by the seat of my pants and tend to go AFK a lot.

Lithium wrote:Fact is, it's hard to get (without singling anyone) necessary calsses to get up and go.

This is true. Being one of the limited classes myself, I understand this is a problem. My own personal take on this issue is that, given the latency, I don't want to grow increasingly more frustrated over cancelled runs or runs that only go halfway through. I'm also getting a bit burned out by the game and am considering cutting my play time down significantly since there are some projects I would like to work on before my university courses start up next month.

Lithium wrote:It's very irritating when someone will stay on for long periods of time just wanting to complain about random stuff in guild chat. Great, fine. But do it in an instance, it's not that hard. It's frustrating to have the numbers, but not, because they'd rather gchat than run something.

I'm guilty of this. I don't know if I was the person you had in mind, but I am most certainly guilty of logging on and griping about various non-WoW related issues. I do play WoW windowed, so sometimes I will be working on something while chatting in WoW/moving items between characters. I apologize if it's irritating, because I tend to see WoW as a glorified IRC client. In the future, I will stay out of the game if I don't feel like committing to a run or am liable to have real life interruptions. That should alleviate some of the calculation issues with regards to the numbers of L60s that appear to be online at that time.

Lithium wrote:Someone needs to set it straight or we'll never do runs if we lose about the 5 or 6 people that have expressed frustration over this.

Forgive my ignorance but this is the first time I've heard of frustrations regarding non-latency issues. I would encourage those who are frustrated over this to post on the forums so that we can address the problem; guild chat isn't really the best medium to set this straight, unfortunately. However, my gut feel is that this is just spill-over frustration from the issues we've been having with Terenas.
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Postby Lithium » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:41 pm

Turus wrote:\I feel I'm getting singled out here due to my crappy schedule I've had as of late.

Nah, that's not it at all, I hate to think that you felt I was singling you out. That's not the case one bit. I know you head to do runs when you can. We've all got schedules outside of the game, and that's understandable.

I apologize if I made it feel like I had you in mind. You're one of the people that helps if people need it.

I'm just saying, the folks that do choose favorites need to cut that out. Like it's been said. If you're going to help at all, help everyone. Which is something you do.

That was half of the problem... a few members have just felt that in order to get any help, you're kind of on your own if you've got a penis. Hopefully this isn't true, but that's how it more and more seems. I'd like to correct that thought and get everyone the help they need, regardless of their gender. That's got to stop.
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Postby Zancarius » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:41 pm

Lithium wrote:When they're talking about OS's and computer hardware in guild chat and sitting in a city, that doesn't sound busy to me.

You may as well just say who you're thinking about, since I think that is pretty well a dead giveaway as to who you have in mind.

I apologize to the guild that we don't have enough warriors, and that I have not been on instance runs. Honestly, there are times when I simply don't feel like playing. Healers tend to be the classes the get burned out more quickly than others because they are usually in higher demand, however.

My issue with this is that it seems to me that frustrations have been mounting since the latency spikes started and have been trickling down into other subjects. I don't think it's necessarily a good thing to let such frustrations mount, and that is part of the reason why I haven't been to interested in running instances.

Besides, taking a break and playing something else like Doom 3 for an evening or two might be in order :D
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Postby Lithium » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:48 pm

[quote="Lithium wrote:
Someone needs to set it straight or we'll never do runs if we lose about the 5 or 6 people that have expressed frustration over this.

Forgive my ignorance but this is the first time I've heard of frustrations regarding non-latency issues. I would encourage those who are frustrated over this to post on the forums so that we can address the problem; guild chat isn't really the best medium to set this straight, unfortunately. However, my gut feel is that this is just spill-over frustration from the issues we've been having with Terenas.

I'm sure part of it is the latency. But we've gone in, got owned by latency, but felt better about trying than just soloing off in different places. I wouldn't consider myself being very busy when most of the time i'm just soloing on whoever I'm playing at the time. That's something I can always pick up and do later.

People should get in and register. Maybe they haven't gotten a chance, forget to, etc... but even when people do try to get things planned, they sort of get a "We'll see". Rosie was one we lost. I just don't see a point in planning if the response they get is the equivalent of "Well, I want to, but I don't know when". It may as well be a fly plan.
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Postby Grimblast » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:52 pm

Well, helping people is like having stocks. The more you have, the better off you are. If you help someone out, usually they are willing to help you out later on or learn that it never hurts to help others since you will get something good in return.

Thal, I know you too well. You do sit windowed and just chat and not actually play the game. You old school IRC goon. It is true that Thal is always programming or coding something. My hope is that when you can't stay focused on the game or make it with your warrior that I will have my warrior up in level to help out the guild when we need a tank. I'm no Thal/psycho tank but once I get up in lvl and respec for Protection, I can maybe give you break from your warrior so you can play something else and we can have another prot tank :)

Ok, I'll stop hijacking the thread.
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Postby Zancarius » Sat Jul 29, 2006 2:20 pm

Turus wrote:I can maybe give you break from your warrior so you can play something else and we can have another prot tank

That would be wonderful. I don't want you to blame yourself for something that is quite obviously my own fault, and thus my own responsibility to bear. I don't think it is altogether fair for you to feel you have to change your own playstyle or commit to other characters because of someone else.

I am pleased to know ahead of time rather than much later that my sitting idle has caused a bit of grief, which I will try to avoid in the future or make clear my intentions. I don't want others to feel they have been put out because of decisions of mine to help or not, which appears to be the case. Who and how I help is dependent upon my mood, and frankly I've not felt like running any instances. Perhaps my reasons are weak or unfounded. I would like to know directly if it is my own actions that are the problem, rather than having certain clues interjected, so that I may take action. It's a small request but one that I find more condusive to adequately solving a problem.
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Postby Cephalxn » Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:08 pm

now i'm not normally one to complain, but i had to agree with lith here.

but here, i'll put it in my own words.

sure latency is bad on terenas, but i'd rather give shit a go than sit around waiting for the lag to go away. and it's kind of disheartening when a pug is willing to push and push and push through and most of the guild runs aren't.

another personal reason is that for me (and everyone) it took a fair effort to hit 60, and even then to start grinding the high instances for your dungeon set.. so it just seems a waste if we just sit around and do nothing...

now i'm not pushing for us to start slamming Naxx and AQ40 and shit like that... but maybe a bit of an effort to even start hitting up UBRS.... and maybe it's time for our tight knit guild to do a bit of recruiting (nothing massive, just a slow thing). it's just a little annoying seeing all the people on my friends list who i've played with since i was lvl 18 constantly in dungeons or raids.


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Postby Grimblast » Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:42 am

Yeah. We could use some healers really. That has been one of our biggest problems. The latency lately has been very disheartening but tonight, the latency was fine since those raiding guilds split. Everyone dissapeared when I got back from dinner, doh! Probably real life stuff needed attended to me thinks :)

Anyways, I'm hoping to see at least 2 instance runs a week since it looks like our latency is back to normal for us for the time being. I'm willing to hit instances just about any day unless I have to work some crazy hours. All you have to do is ask and I can try to do what I can to get through it with the time I have available to me.

Recruitment wouldn't be a bad idea. We could use a recruitment officer to go out and get the word out to a few players or even those currently in guild could ask their friends that are unguilded if they would like to check us out in a run and see if we are what they are looking for. Of course, we don't want to forget the great players we have of varying levels so make sure to lend a hand once in a while if you can. It's not a requirement but never hurts to get to know everyone :)

We could reserve certain days for a particular instance to help get people in guild motivated to go. I've seen it work in the past and have had great turnouts on guildies wanting to go. Could dedicate a day for pvp or hitting a 5 man instance. I'm just tossing ideas here. What are yall's thoughts on this?

I know we aren't a raiding guild or instance only guild. I love having fun in this game and I know I personally can't make everyone happy but any input is helpful and maybe we can get everyone on a forward path instead of standing around with our hands in our pants ;)
Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
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Postby rosario » Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:19 pm

wow its been a while since anyone posted so here i go

I am happy to help any person that confronts me I have never shown favouritism to any guildy when it comes to runs If anyone needs my help on anything i will be there for them whether im in this guild or evito maximus i ll be there to help always :D

(the onyl thing that will stop me is if im needed elsewhere (raids) OR if i have to work (which blows the old wasoo)

o and lith i LOVE that song too :D
film clip is freakin funny too :D

(the bass, the rock, the mic, the treble I like my coffee black just like my metal, I cant wait for you to shut me up) :D
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