After yesterday's run and a chat I had with Turus . . . I had a thought that may make our instance runs less stressful. Now, I know we are all working toward epic sets before the next expansion comes out, but I am a bit peeved about quite a few things. I will not go into detail here, but the main concern I have are kara runs and who gets the loot. Now, I am not talking about dkp points, but also not just the random roll on whatever you like sort of thing. If I sound snooty . . I apologize. Just, a guild I was in ages ago on horde side had this looting system which was fair and fun for everyone in the group.
Let's say that a cloak with dmg and healing on it drops. Now, before we all go nuts over it being epic . . . consider if it is an upgrade for you. Obviously, this is not a cloak meant for warriors, rogues or even hunters . . . so they are out of the roll . . . sorry guys. So we have shaman, druids, priests, warlocks and paladins left who can roll on it.
However, the first toons allowed to roll on this should be resto shaman and druids, holy priests and holy paladins. Why you ask? Because these are the players keeping you up while you put out your dmg.
Why use this example? Yesterday a similiar situation occurred. In the group we had an enhancement shammie (caryss), a resto druid (ali), a holy pally (turus), 2 shadow priests (CD and Elade), a mage (snobal), a ret pally (reg), a lock (crack) and a feral druid (somar). Obviously, a lot of people in this group . . . not including thal since he cannot use it . . . sorries thal

So how does it work?
Turus and Ali would have rolled first (healers)
if they both passed . . .
CD, Somar and Elade would roll since they can heal and do dmg
If they pass . . .
The roll is then given to sno, crack, and reg
If everyone passes, it is melted and banked
We do not seem to run into this problem with class sets amazingly . . so I do not need to go into detail as to how that would have worked. However, when a trinket, necklace, ring or cloak drops . . . consider the group as a whole and not just yourself please. Yes, so many of us could have used the cloak . . . but healers should be given the first roll.
NOTE: If you plan to heal at a later date, you do not qualify for the healers random roll. You MUST be specced for healing at that time to be given the first roll. This also goes for if a feral piece dropped and it was an upgrade to somar and Ali . . . first roll would go to somar since he IS feral specced . . . even if that is something Ali is working toward.
Do I make any sense? Turus, I can go into detail with you if you like, or we can just ignore this post . . . just thought i'd give my 2 cents. This could have remedied a lot of things back when Holy was taking a lot of the pieces that have come to better use if Thal had won the roll . . . this also would have helped us avoid and upset thal