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Take that BG AFK'ers!

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Take that BG AFK'ers!

Postby Grimblast » Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:22 am

Hahahaha! Gotta love a fascist admin policy! Justice is served!

In our continued efforts to support fair gameplay in World of Warcraft and to provide a positive experience for players, we are currently taking steps to ensure fair and enjoyable competition in the Battlegrounds. Starting immediately, we will be issuing warnings and penalties, including suspensions and the removal of Honor points and recently acquired Honor rewards, for non-participation in Battleground games.

We are taking action against thousands of accounts immediately, and will continue to monitor these situations and regularly take action against violators. If you encounter a player in a Battleground who is intentionally not participating in the battle for an extended period of time, please help us track the situation and report the player as AFK. For information on how to complete an in-game AFK report, please go here: ( ... /info.html). All reports will be thoroughly investigated, and corrective action will only be taken if the violation is confirmed.

Quote taken from here.

They are stepping up the penalties applied to afk honor farmers in BGs. Let's see how they like having their honor and items removed bwahah!
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Postby Snobal » Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:32 am

MUAHAHAH! Pwned. Let's see what happens to those AFK numbers in AV now! GG, Blizz.
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Postby Zancarius » Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:26 pm

Oooooh man, that's going to be awesome. Next time I hear someone bragging about how they AFK farmed most of their honor points for S1 gear, they're going to get a stern talking to.

This is good news, especially for those of us who have been berated by AFKers in the BGs. (There was a gnome warlock from Terenas who was fairly well-known for using this trick. I forget his name, though.)
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