Ok, I will be sniping people some invite offers for gearing on their characters in the next few days. We have some that have respecced to tanking builds and healing but they lack gear for those roles so I will be looking to see who needs what upgrades and get them some new gear. I will try to get as many people as I can. I hope to get more of our members better geared for Kara through normal instance runs since some are still wearing greens. If I have time, I will shoot for heroics for those that are properly geared/keyed for it.
If you would like to participate in these runs for gearing let me know here or online. I will see about a Kara run this weekend but I wonder if it would be better if we just focused on getting more people geared for Kara since the holidays have wreaked havoc on recent in game attendance?
Also, if anyone has any input, please share it