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Kara Times

Instance and raid scheduling.

Kara Times

Postby Grimblast » Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:14 pm

Due to the low turnout on Kara runs on Friday I'm going to start scheduling them for Saturdays. This doesn't give us much time to work with but I'm dissapointed that no one shows up at the times I have listed for several Fridays now.

So which raises the question, who all wants to do Karazhan and on what days and times? I'm willing to do it any day of the week. Even if it is on the day before the instance resets.
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Postby alacor » Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:44 am

I will be there anytime you set it. I would prefer noon on Sat. Or early eavening. I think alot of people have things to get to (parties events etc) on Friday and Sat nights. Not sure though. I have seen alot on at the times listed.
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Postby Snobal » Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:53 am

I'm not sure if we are getting the word out the right way? I mean, I know we are doing all we can and everything;although, to me it seems we don't have enough active on the forums to see our times and people hardly ever read our guild messages. I wonder if there is anything else we can do to announce our times. I know we have some interested, I'm not so sure there are enough though.

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