... 5402&sid=1
Please try deleting the "Blizzard_RaidUI.lua" & "Blizzard_raidUI.lua.bak" files for each character you are experiencing this with. You can find these files under the SavedVaribales folder for each character. Default Location is : World of Warcraft -> WTF -> Account -> Account Name -> Realm -> Character Name -> SavedVariables. In this folder please delete the Blizzard_RaidUI.lua and the Blizzard_raidUI.lua.bak files.
If the problem persists, you may need to disable your AddOns one at a time and see if that helps. If the problem continues, please close down WoW and remove the WTF, CACHE, and INTERFACE folders from the World of Warcraft game directory. These folders contain temporary data and frequently altered files that may have become corrupted.
You can move these folders to the desktop or another directory if you wish to retain the data, however for now please start WoW without those folders present. Also do not use any third party programs to start WoW; often some custom UI's will place a shortcut for you to start WoW from, please use the (Launcher.exe) in the World of Warcraft directory.