Ok, possible change of plans and we will see what happens. We are aiming to get some of our members up in rep level as well as get their keying quests finished if possible. Since we have encountered a brick wall at Moroes, I think we should probably take a break and get some small victories and maybe personal victories *dreams of vest keeping his pants on!* by getting to a heroic instance or 2. The hellfire citadel instances have been mentioned a few times for a good place to start heroic dungeons. We should get a few members through SH so they can be keyed for it too. I realize those that are at honored may take 3 or 4 trips to get to revered but at least there is good rep and loot in there.
I'm game for any instance really but my play time is pretty short during the week itself so I will see about going to Kara this weekend but I can't make any promises. For those that want to do karazhan, I can still setup a GEM event for it for Friday and see what happens. I may only have time for one boss myself since I have some plans for Saturday.
If yall have any thoughts on this, I'd like to hear them! Or in this case, read them