by Zancarius » Sun May 13, 2007 10:54 pm
Awwww, thanks Vest for the kind words--a true 'goon at heart.
I know that we as a whole haven't always progressed as far as the raiding guilds (I sometimes wonder if their pressure to progress is counter to actually enjoying the game--I know I wouldn't have had a chance to enjoy it if we'd already cleared Gruul's lair and were simply waiting for the Black Temple). But, we're a casual guild with awesome, very well-skilled players who do incredible things in spite of not being epiced out. In short, it isn't about the gear, it isn't about the progress relative to other guilds--it's about fun. If you're having fun, you're doing something right. That's my motto.
Thanks for all the things you've done for the 'goons, Vest; in particular, thank you for the continual, positive reinforcement. Even when times were tough, the raid's been wiped, and a great deal of us were feeling down, you're always willing to give us the poke and prod we need to keep going. I look forward to our further progress in Kara. Since we dropped Attunmen, I think the rest of the instance will come naturally as we get used to the 10 man setup we have.
Frankly, for a small guild, we've done incredible things. We've got a bit of a knack for that, and I think that's exclusively because we have the most skilled players in the game. Many SGA groups haven't had the fortune we have in Kara. I think that speaks volumes.
/hats off to the 'goons. You guys are awesome.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.