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Fallout 3! Finally!

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Fallout 3! Finally!

Postby Grimblast » Thu May 10, 2007 7:43 am

Looks like Bethesda is making a Fallout 3 game! I remember playing part one and two and they were awesome strategy games mixed with rpg like elements. Can't wait to see what part 3 is like. Fallout was just that, a game about the world after a nuclear war pretty much screws everything up. It has some Mad Max type elements but no crazed mohawk guys running around ;)
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Re: Fallout 3! Finally!

Postby DeathAndTaxes » Thu May 10, 2007 6:42 pm

Turus wrote:...but no crazed mohawk guys running around ;)

pfft...PASS ;-)
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