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New Server - Ready to Rock!

Minecraft isn't just a chip off the ol' block. It's an addictive and deceptively complicated construction sandbox game. Play in survival mode (multiplayer, too!) while building fortifications to protect against zombie hordes--and other baddies that appear during the night--or try your hand at massive projects in creative mode. We run a local Minecraft server instance for guild members and others on an invite-only basis. See the sticky posts in this forum for details!
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New Server - Ready to Rock!

Postby Zancarius » Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:44 pm

Hi guys,

I'm hosting a new Minecraft server for those of you who would be willing to play it. It's invite only and white-listed, but bear in mind it's on my home file server (so the player limit is set rather low--and I may lower it even further). To join, connect to:

Always use this domain name in the event I move it to a new home. The domain name is accessible via both IPv4 and IPv6. Minecraft client support may require configuration if you're wanting to use IPv6 exclusively (pass to the JRE; Minecraft may still perform A record lookups in preference to AAAA).

There's also a map available using the Dynmap plugin. I'm currently leaving real time positioning enabled so you can, once again, see yourself on the map.

There is no longer a whitelist. If you want to bring someone along, feel free. If they do damage to structures owned by other players, I'll simply revert to a prior snapshot. If you're not a member of the guild or haven't played with us in other games before, please read the rules toward the end of this post before joining.

The server is a pure survival, vanilla Minecraft instance. I have no intention at this time of enabling mods or creative mode outside some core helper plugins (like WorldEdit and WorldGuard for administrative use only).

The spawn point is located on the coast with a village located to the southeast, open sea to the west, and a large tiaga biome farther south. Should you continue traveling south, you'll encounter a large expanse of water--large enough that it takes several in-game day cycles to cross it. To the north of the spawn is a moderately large plains area with trees interspersed throughout, bordering on an extreme hills biome. If you continue traveling north from the spawn, you'll eventually encounter my settlement. If you continue passed my settlement, you'll run into a modified hills biome with tons of flowers--and continuing farther, you'll run into a mix of plains, jungle, roofed forest (with the large dark oaks), swamps, and more.


The server rules are quite simple: Be nice. If you're not nice, you'll be banned without further interaction. If you haven't played with us in Minecraft before, these suggestions are usually what we share with other players. Aside from the proverbial "don't be a dick," most of these are just rules of thumb and part of the typical Minecraft etiquette:

  • Don't take materials from other players without asking. Generally, you're free to look at their collections (just don't touch!). If you see a "no trespassing" sign or similar, please respect that person's work.
  • Don't destroy other players' work. If a creeper blows something up that another player built, fix it as best as you can and tell the other player (or leave a sign). It happens. Lightning storms are capable of starting fires in recent versions of Minecraft that can spread; if you're unable to extinguish someone's work and they're offline, get as far away from the fire as you can so the chunk unloads from the server and let the plot owner deal with it when they log back in (if you're especially kind, let them know before they log in so they can prepare). It won't save what has already burned, but it might buy them enough time to extinguish it themselves.
  • Do be polite; even if we don't know you, we're all pretty awesome and will help out when/if we can.
  • If you cut down trees while wandering the world, try cutting down all of the wood so the leaves despawn, and replant if the tree if it's an area you haven't claimed. It's not necessary, but it helps other players out if they come through that same area. This is especially true if you're borrowing another player's tree farm.
  • There's usually a stock of food and some basic items at the world spawn. Take what you like but do try to leave some for other players. If you want to contribute to the stock, that's great!
  • If you stumble upon another player's death, don't scavenge their items for yourself. Politely recover what you can, box it in a chest, and leave a sign with a note indicating who you are and when you discovered it. Experience orbs don't apply here, because you can't return them, but do try to avoid picking them up if possible (in most cases, it's unavoidable; complaints regarding "stolen" experience orbs will go mostly unanswered).
  • Try not to build too closely to your neighbors. The Minecraft world is effectively infinite (about the size of Neptune), and while it's nice to build as close to the world spawn as possible, make sure you're not building too close to another person's claim. If they want to expand their construction, they're limited by how close you build.
  • ...on the other hand, don't expand too far if you have a neighbor nearby. It's fine building a path to their claim (ask first!) or lighting up the area to reduce mob spawns, but building right on top of their claimed land is impolite. This can be hard to avoid.
  • Always, always, always, always ask first before helping or attaching to another player's construction. Usually they'll be happy to accept. If not, don't take it personally--they might have something else in mind.
  • If you need help, ask in game or on the forums.

Historically, Matt has usually built a small outpost relatively close to the spawn and stocked it with food items. We've tried to replicate the same feel with the current spawn, so if you want to pitch in, feel free to add to the starter chest.

Other things of note

The idle time is currently about 15-20 minutes. If you go away to do something else and come back, you may find yourself disconnected from the server. Don't worry if you get booted; the idle time disconnect is set low so inactive players aren't consuming server resources unnecessarily.

Nightly backups are taken at 0400 and stored in a git repo for easy restoration. If anything untoward happens, the Minecraft world will be restored to a last known good state which usually implies the game will be restored from the previous night's backup. Unfortunately, this means that any work conducted between the time of the event and the last backup will be lost. Generally speaking, the world will only be restored in the event of data loss from file system corruption, server software bugs/crashes, intentional world destruction from vandalism, or large scale accidental destruction of another player's work. Restoration will not be performed for damage caused by normal game mechanics or accidental self-inflicted destruction such as can be had from wandering around a wooden house with a flint and steel in hand. As always, individual circumstances differ and other options may be considered.

We reserve the right to abide by or ignore any of the rules above for the express purpose of making things as approachable and fun for everyone.
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Re: New Server

Postby MaxRile » Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:34 pm

does not work good sir
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Re: New Server

Postby Zancarius » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:39 pm


I see why. I forgot I moved Minecraft over to a non-standard port. Lemme get that fixed. I think SRV records should do nicely. Err, unless it was already trying to use them and couldn't 'cause of the firewall. That might be it... ;)
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Re: New Server

Postby Zancarius » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:44 pm

Okay, never mind.

Here's what happened: I forgot I moved Minecraft to a non-standard port. The SRV records were already setup in the DNS, but apparently it never dawned on me to check the firewall. So it was working, just that the packets were getting rejected (thanks to my inability to remember what I did earlier).

It was working for me, hence why I thought it was on the standard Minecraft port. But the reason it was working for me, well, is because it's running locally, and my firewall is passing all traffic to the host system (so I didn't even remember the bit about changing the port).


Should work now. Thanks for catching that, Matt.
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Re: New Server

Postby Zancarius » Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:22 am

The Minecraft server has now been upgraded to the 1.9 Combat Update.

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Re: New Server

Postby Zancarius » Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:09 am

I was unaware that 1.9.2 had been released, meaning that clients updating to this release would no longer connect to the 1.9 server. I've updated it to address the problem.

If you've been trying to connect this weekend, I've been doing some house keeping on my server and elected to start migrating some hosted services into isolated containers for some small modicum of additional security. Unfortunately, it also meant making some fairly substantial changes (during which time my IP address has changed complicating matters very slightly more). Further, due to the nature of Linux containers, it's exceedingly difficult to proxy addresses in an IPv6 non-routed /64 range, so I've had to configure the routed /48 on my Hurricane Electric tunnel to accommodate the container configurations. As such, there's a small probability you may encounter problems connecting. I think they're resolved, however.

Be sure you're using the domain It currently has a 5 minute TTL (which I should increase), and it's much more ideal to use this than the IP and port combination directly. I'd imagine no one is using the latter since I don't believe I advertise the port changes.
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Re: New Server

Postby Zancarius » Thu May 12, 2016 9:28 pm

Updated to 1.9.4. I need to set up something that'll notify me when an update is released, sheesh.

What bugs me about the point releases (well, "patch level") is that they bump the server/client API versions making it so newer clients can't connect to older servers and vice-versa. I get the intent of doing this to force people to update, but a change like that is significant enough to warrant a bigger version bump since it actually breaks things. Good grief.
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Re: New Server

Postby Zancarius » Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:49 pm

The drive in my server appears to be dying and the impacted data sadly appears to be the Minecraft server data in the container instance. My earliest backup goes back to April 17th when I first switched to a container instance, so the world is going to be reverted to that timeframe. Near as my memory recalls, I don't believe there were many accesses of the Minecraft instance since then outside of myself and Matt.

I did not have a backup process running for this instance because I've been a bit busy with a few other odds and ends. I will see if I can recover at least some of the data to prevent reverting the world, but at this point in time the prognosis doesn't look great.

I was afraid the server may have been bumped during some work we've had done or during cleaning, but I think the drive was probably failing a bit earlier than that. When I updated the machine on or around the 30th, Minecraft had frozen and required killing and there were similar error messages to the ones I noted tonight. Bummer. Also, the machine has two drives, and only the largest of them has experienced a failure, suggesting it's the fault of the drive itself. Yay.

I have another hard disk on order which should be here at least by Monday. Unfortunately, Minecraft will be offline until then as I'm hoping to save as much data from elsewhere on the server as I can before I nuke the drive.

Sorry guys. Minecraft isn't giving us much luck this year.
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Re: New Server - Back up as of the 7th (see end of thread)

Postby Zancarius » Tue Jun 07, 2016 4:25 pm

The Minecraft server is back up and running. Near as I can tell, all of the files affected by the disk surface failure had modification dates on or before March 1st, well over a month before the move to a systemd container. I've since rescued them from an extra backup of the world I had forgotten about (so I guess I lied about not having a backup) and copied them back into the source.

Those of you who have been in game since April 7th should check your respective areas to verify they're intact. If not, then I have a bit more sleuthing to do.

Thanks guys.

(Note: Whenever Josh's instance is back up and running, we may just keep the goon server here and make it more official so that it frees up RAM for other games he wants to host.)
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Re: New Server - Back up as of the 7th (see end of thread)

Postby Zancarius » Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:48 pm

So, things aren't always as they seem.

I've had to reclaim the entire backup because picking and choosing individual files caused problems with Minecraft's internal state. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, because the backup showed file dates as late as May 20th. I didn't think that was possible, but it's probable that I had been running the Minecraft instance from a different directory than I imagined (thus essentially making the backup I sourced this data from the "real" instance--oops).

Curiously, it appears that parts of the world had been reverted back to their original state. This is undesirable, so I ended up backing out all the recovery attempts and swapped the server to an older backup. This means that fairly recent progress will have been missing, but I neglected to update the server to 1.9 for quite some time, so I suspect many of you may not have been logged in during this omission.

Regardless, I'm going to need you guys to test it out and see what's missing. I'm not convinced I can recover everything that's gone, because the newest version literally has holes all over the world from data loss, but it might be possible to save chunks that were not damaged. If you were on recently, you've probably lost whatever progress you made (if any).

Also, thanks to Josh giving me some inspiration as to the source of a hardware fault in the NIC on this machine which took me quite a lot of testing to locate and finally resolve, and thanks to the upgrades his company has been doing, you should be able to connect with a lot less latency due to their new fiber roll out (though, if you had packet loss, that was the fault of my NIC as was probably 95% of the network latency).

I'll probably be ordering a new NIC for this box in the near future. The one I pulled would exhibit ridiculously high latency and packet loss if both up and downstream were active, almost acting like it was in half-duplex mode (it wasn't, according to ethtool). But when I replaced it into another box, it started acting just fine. It's old, though, so I don't particularly care if it failed (or not). While it could've been a connector fault, the age of the card is such that I'm pretty sure its reliability is well passed expired. I'll post pictures sometime. You'll laugh.
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Re: New Server - Repaired, but see thread for details

Postby Zancarius » Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:14 pm

Minecraft has been updated to 1.10: The Frostburn Update.
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Re: New Server - Repaired, but see thread for details

Postby Zancarius » Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:34 pm

I've added a map for This doesn't use Dynmap as our previous incantation did and instead relies on a separate renderer that has to be run independently. Consequently, the map generation will not be done in real time. I haven't settled on how frequently I want to run the renderer, but I'm leaning toward every 3-5 days or so. I only have two views rendered: isometric bottom-left day and night. I may add a top-down view eventually though I'm hesitant given the map sizes are around 7 gigs just for the two isometric views.

Be warned that I may tweak the map generation over the coming weeks to suit both bandwidth usage (which I want to minimize) and disk space (same thing). Dynmap was fun when we were running Bukkit, and while I love having a map rendered such that you can see our progress, I'm leaning against real time rendering to force myself (and everyone else :)) away from using it as a sort of cartographic solution to find "home" relative the player's current position. I like the dangerous feel of getting lost, but not so lost that landmarks and a good map can't help one make the trek back home.

Further, I think having periodic snapshots of the world might improve its artistic feel. Observing things as they change gradually tends to remove one from the sudden, surprising results of a work you see only periodically.

Oh, and I doubt I'll be rendering the caverns view again. It's handy, particularly when seeing large underground construction, but it lends itself to taking away much of the guesswork involved in stumbling across a new cave system. For me, that's part of the fun: Exploration.
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Re: New Server - Updated June 13th

Postby Zancarius » Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:08 am

Added rules and some extra information on the original post.

I had to fix a few issues with the container Minecraft was operating in that were causing some problems. It should be stable now. At this point forward, pending no emergencies, I'll be posting whenever I have planned maintenance.

I'll be ordering some extra hardware for this server to address some of the problems mentioned earlier in this thread, so there may be some additional maintenance toward the end of this month or the beginning of next.
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Re: New Server - Offline June 29th for maintenance

Postby Zancarius » Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:04 pm

The server will be offline for maintenance today, June 29th. I'm migrating the server to a ZFS-based multi-device mirror for redundancy. It should be up by the later evening hours.

GitLab services on my site will also be affected.
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Re: New Server - Ready to Rock!

Postby Zancarius » Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:24 pm

Migrations are finished and the server is ready to go.
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