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Birthday Fun

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Birthday Fun

Postby Zancarius » Sun May 22, 2016 1:51 am

I promised my Dad I'd go shooting with him sometime this month and as the days wore on, the weather changed, and the winds subsided, my birthday seemed to be the best bet. We had an absolute blast, and I finally got the opportunity to fire my 1911 which I hadn't done in about 2 years. Here's my assortment:


We fired a few other guns not pictured here, mostly for privacy reasons, but since I don't mind sharing my own here they are.

My Ruger SR1911 is probably among my favorite firearms, sporting a satin stainless steel finish with rosewood grips. It looks even better with a bit of carbon on the tip. It's amazing what about 100 rounds will do:


While 1911s aren't known for their accuracy, this one does quite well even with my poor shooting out to about 80-100 yards. Allegedly, my father claims it's even better than his Series 80 Colt 1911 with the "accuratized" bushing. There's something satisfying about being able to hit decent groupings at mid-range with a pistol.

I confess I anticipated a few rounds here and there. Although some of it was accidental in part due to the wind which picked up later in the day.

Next up, my Glock saw some use:


It's difficult to see the carbon on it aside from a slight matte dusting on the front of the frame. I'm still having brass-to-the-face (BTF) issues with this firearm. I'm reluctant to send it back to Glock, because the failure to feed (FTF) issues finally went away after the first 100 rounds I put through it. At this point, the only things I can figure that might fix it would be to try a non-LCI spring-loaded bearing and a new, slightly lighter weight recoil spring assembly. Other than that, I have no idea.

Lastly, my next favorite--the AR-15:


Isn't that sexy? #BlackGunsMatter. That's all there is to it, really.

Note: I've photoshopped out the serial numbers of my guns (yes, including that serial number) for privacy reasons. Other text is mostly informational or doesn't contain any identifiable data.
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