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Microsoft interesting in buying AMD?

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Microsoft interesting in buying AMD?

Postby Zancarius » Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:57 pm ... es-source/

If they buy the struggling chipmaker, I can guarantee you ATI card support under Linux might flounder. It's difficult to say given Microsoft's recent slew of open sourcing, but I think viewing their activities with a healthy dose of suspicion is worthwhile.

This does suggest that MS wants to retain stricter control of their hardware for future mobile devices and would provide them with CPU and GPU combinations, plus all the other IP AMD owns. Intel hasn't had serious competition from AMD in the performance market for years, so this could be a positive development. I suspect Intel isn't going to be all that happy with Microsoft.
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Re: Microsoft interesting in buying AMD?

Postby Zancarius » Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:58 pm

Judging by the HN comments, it appears this is pure speculation at this point, and unlikely. More importantly, Intel's cross-licensing agreements purportedly end should AMD be acquired (I don't know how this affects reciprocity with AMD64, though).

(To say nothing of the anti-trust law suits that would inevitably follow.)
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