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Effing Chinese...

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Effing Chinese...

Postby Zancarius » Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:11 pm

Github undergoing DDoS attack (Hacker News)

Apparently the PRC decided that they didn't like some of the projects hosted on Github, so rather than negotiating like the Russians did to have some things removed, they're resorting to the 3rd day of DDoS attacks. And it's interfering with stuff I need to do.

If your regime has to resort to these sorts of tactics for fear your people might learn a version of the truth that differs from your official outlets, you've got other problems coming down the turnpike.

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Re: Effing Chinese...

Postby Zancarius » Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:28 am

Approaching nearly 100 hours of DDoS against GitHub. I'm getting annoyed. Looking up project documentation is getting to be impossible when it peaks. I really hope GitHub doesn't cave and take down those repos, because at this point, stuff the sensitive bastards who don't like it.

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Re: Effing Chinese...

Postby Zancarius » Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:37 pm

Along these lines, the CNNIC registrar and certificate signing authority is accepted (by default) as a root certificate authority in pretty much all major browsers now. It's already been used to MITM Google (which the latter has warned about).

Here's an old comment, but it might help to remove it if you so choose.

No, you won't need it, unless you regularly visit Chinese websites.

Also, if you're using Linux or have Linux machine somewhere, you probably ought to remove the cert under /etc/ssl/certs/CCNIC_ROOT.pem or similar. Be aware that this will be resurrected any time you update.
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