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Just joined the dark side...

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Just joined the dark side...

Postby Zancarius » Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:39 pm

Fair warning: Those of you who are squeamish about guns, feel free to hit "back." The rest of you, keep reading.

Those of you who know me know that I've joked about Glocks as the "Tupperware" gun: Mostly plastic and certainly not something someone would actually fire bullets out of*. Heck, I even openly speculated for years that Glock owners likely often had to "burp" their guns before putting them away.

Well, times have changed, and after watching numerous videos on Youtube, I decided I'd get myself one. So, here's my new Glock 19 Gen4:

Glock 19 Gen4

I'm going to go out and shoot it for the first time this week or next, depending on whenever we get a warm spurt of weather. The problem with this nonsense is that it's addictive.

This wasn't originally intended as a Christmas present to myself as much as it was going to be a birthday gift, but I'd caught wind of a rumor that our illustrious leadership may be planning to push through some regulations in the next month or two that would impact new gun purchases. Rather than wait, I elected to go get what I wanted sooner than expected, but it should be a lot of fun. It's definitely lighter than my boat anchor of a 1911.

The plus side is that 9mm is substantially cheaper than .45ACP, and my dad's got a bunch of low-pressure handloads he wants me to try that he's been developing for the better part of 2-3 years.

Also, the magazines are way smaller than I expected them to be. But, 9mm is a pretty small round comparatively speaking. It makes the .45 auto look like Fat Albert.

Since there's a huge selection of after market parts, I think I could see myself applying some upgrades to this little guy. The first of which will likely be a new recoil spring assembly that's fully stainless steel, rather than the plastic bits that come with the firearm. Heck, I might even invest in a new trigger, too. I'm not really a fan of the Glock trigger pull (my 1911 spoiled me), so we'll see how that works.

* I still wouldn't shoot .40S&W or .357SIG through a Glock, though. Certainly not without a new barrel with a fully supported chamber for the former and definitely never for the latter. I like my fingers, and I don't like shooting hand grenades. I know some of you out there love .40s, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it's not exactly my cup of tea.
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Re: Just joined the dark side...

Postby Jargath » Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:12 am

Nice. Happy Birthday & Merry Christmas!

I have a question that you may be able to answer.

It is possible that I might be given my father-in-laws (he sadly passed away just before Thanksgiving) shotguns, he might even still have a black powder muzzle loader. Anyway, I'm sure that there is paperwork and background checks involved, not sure. Where would I start on all this? I currently don't own any weapons. I'm always borrowing for dove, duck hunting.
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Re: Just joined the dark side...

Postby Tirian » Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:15 am

I'm not aware of any legal stuff being necessary, Jar. (Though I'm an inheritor, not an active collector... defer to Thal here :-)).

Congrats on the self gift Thal :-)
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Re: Just joined the dark side...

Postby Zancarius » Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:30 am

Jargath wrote:It is possible that I might be given my father-in-laws (he sadly passed away just before Thanksgiving) shotguns, he might even still have a black powder muzzle loader. Anyway, I'm sure that there is paperwork and background checks involved, not sure. Where would I start on all this? I currently don't own any weapons. I'm always borrowing for dove, duck hunting.

I'd probably suggest talking with your local gunshop, but some jurisdictions don't always classify shotguns under the same category as other weapons, and it mostly depends on state law. If anything, worst case, you might just have to have an FFL (licensed dealer) hold onto the guns until you can fill out a 4473 for the background check through the FBI. However, I suspect the only reason to do that is if they're NFA title 2 firearms (machine guns, silencers, short barrel type shotguns).

In most cases that I'm aware of, if it's an inheritance-type transfer, like Tirian said, you probably don't have to worry at all about any forms. You just get the guns. I'll see what I can find.

Tirian wrote:Congrats on the self gift Thal :-)

Thanks! If you were out this way, I'd offer to take you plinking with this and my 1911. Possibly also my mini-14.

If you're going to dirty one gun up, might as well go all out. Cleaning them is part of the fun!
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Re: Just joined the dark side...

Postby Zancarius » Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:31 am

Here we go, here's a good place to start looking since IIRC you live in Texas, not far from Austin:

If they're up to date, looks like Tirian's correct: You don't do anything in Texas. So, if your relatives are willing to part with them, they're yours!
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