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I've got my work cut out for me

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I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Zancarius » Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:30 pm

Thanks to the efforts of Josh and Rachael, I am now the proud owner of this lovely thing. As I understand it (or rather, as Rachael told me later), Josh footed most of the bill, though Rachael had apparently been planning this for quite some time--but was disheartened because she wanted to try two manning Arah over the coming months in order to surprise me. Either way, it was a pleasant surprise (even if I did see right through it!), so major thanks to you guys.

The effort might be a bit much more than I can handle, so I'm not quite sure at this point how to go about this. I don't have any max level crafters (I guess it's not that hard now), I don't even have world explorer done (!), and the only "easy" thing that seems to be a shoe-in is going to be the dungeon currency (I have 231 Ascalonian Tears already). The materials are going to be a mixed bag: I have 2 million karma (plus some change) and a fair amount of metal ores (though not quite enough--easily fixed, mind you). I'll be drafting up a spreadsheet to inventory what I do have, if anyone's curious, but I think the only major thing I'm going to need help with is mostly 1) the dungeon and 2) world explorer. I'm lacking pretty much all the PvP-related crap and have no idea where to begin. I suspect that's also going to be the one that holds me back.

Anyway, thanks guys. I really didn't expect you'd actually go through with it, because the precursor is so ridiculously expensive!

Edit: I'll be updating this spreadsheet with material counts as time goes on.
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Grimblast » Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:23 am

The explorer stuff in WvW may not be that bad if we can catch a weak lineup like we had last week. Our server killed the crap out of them then. I'll try and catch you online so we can discuss what you need. You have all the Karma you will need for those obsidian shards. We will need to get you a bit of ecto's and what not. Fractals were key to me getting the high tier materials I needed for my Rodgort back in the day. But again, we will discuss all this next time I catch you in game.
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Zancarius » Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:03 am

I have a full stack of ectos plus about another 100-200 I think. It's probably not enough, but I've been gathering them doing nothing much else since I've quite literally been melting everything I get my hands on, save for certain items that sell for quite a bit, have a unique skin I like, or attributes I want to use on another character.

I need to gather the snot out of every metal type, though. I definitely don't have enough, especially if I have to get some of my crafting abilities up. I don't remember which character has the highest applicable one(s), which doesn't help.

As mentioned, the biggest problem for me is going to probably be the dungeon currency, the exploration, and the smithing skill(s).
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Grimblast » Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:35 am

cool part is, you don't have to go all the way to 500 skill on the craft. Just 400. Might be able to cheese the system with crafting boosters and lots of discoveries. I've been sitting on a ton of mats so in case you hit a crafting hump, I can help fill the gap to get your skill going. I can push most crafting to 400 in an hour or 2 if I focus on it.

Good job on the ectos! They were a major obstacle for me and good to know you've been saving them.
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Highgrade » Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:21 am

I logged into GW2 the other day.... no one noticed me.... I forgot how to play.... i logged out overwhelmed by the lack of Lions Arch lol.
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Elade » Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:32 pm

So. Yeah. I'M OFFICIALLY ON FALL BREAK SO EXCITED so I can help you do whatever you need. World exploration is easy if you spread it out over the three weeks our server rotates in WvW. Oh, and getting T6 materials is probably much more easily accomplished by transmuting the T5 stuff. Last time I checked it's way cheaper, even if you buy everything off the TP.

I know you probs feel like this:

But we are here to help!

Also, HG! You're alive! I was totally halfway through writing your eulogy! Bummer. I said some nice things about you too...
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Zancarius » Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:39 pm

Highgrade wrote:I logged into GW2 the other day.... no one noticed me.... I forgot how to play.... i logged out overwhelmed by the lack of Lions Arch lol.

I saw you on some time ago, HG. It's been a while, though. If no one says anything in guild chat, I usually just assume they're busy.

Also, there's plenty of Lion's Arch. It's just spread out a bit more than it used to be.

Elade wrote:I know you probs feel like this:

Yeeeeeeeeeah. I don't know how to rope, either. Overwhelmed is something of an understatement.

Elade wrote:But we are here to help!

I might need it!
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Highgrade » Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:58 am

What?!?!? Elade was planning on saying something nice about me.... Hey Ben I think she has been hacked.... The real Elade would never say anything so nice to me. =)
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Zancarius » Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:07 am

Like her personally or her account? ;)

I think you'd be surprised. She says lots of nice things about you, it's just that her public persona precludes her from making it known.
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Elade » Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:30 am

I've finally been able to one-shot Lupicus (twice now) with PuGs, so if anyone wants to farm Arah for goodies...?

*cricket noises*

Fine. I'll be in my office if you need me.
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Zancarius » Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:18 am

I may have to take you up on that sometime.

Oh, excuse me.

*knocks on door*


"I may have to take you up on that Arah offer sometime."
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Grimblast » Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:19 am

I was doing some story stuff in Dry Top and noticed there are a ton of level 80 earth elementals over at the ley line area of the map. Not a bad place to farm the cores and lodestones you need if you just get bored.
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Zancarius » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:42 am

I might give that a try.
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Grimblast » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:04 pm

I know a few days ago you had linked a spreadsheet to me of the materials you were going to be needing. I'm not sure if you were filling that out or not but I lost the link. Let me know what materials you need and I might be able to squash some of them for you. I've been a lot more active lately and I've started building up my supplies.
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Re: I've got my work cut out for me

Postby Zancarius » Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:22 pm

I've since added it to the top post. I last updated it about a week ago.

If I remember, I'll make some corrections tomorrow.
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