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Off work 10/14 and 10/15

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Off work 10/14 and 10/15

Postby Grimblast » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:03 am

I'm going to be off work the 14th and 15th to blow off some steam. If any of yall want to do something online, just let me know. I'll most likely be farting around in Guild Wars 2 for the most part as a mental distraction. It's always funner when I have someone to run around with!
Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
Dililah Turusian - Norn Necromancer ------------ Rahl Braincrusher - Char Mesmer
Star Earthbreaker - Sylvari Elementalist -------- Rylo Preystalker - Char Ranger
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Re: Off work 10/14 and 10/15

Postby Zancarius » Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:03 pm

Grimblast wrote:I'm going to be off work the 14th and 15th to blow off some steam.

Forgot about the Borderlands installment.

Edit: Apparently there's a Linux version.

Edit edit: Apparently there's a Linux version of Borderlands 2 that went under the radar.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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