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Zenimax sues Oculus

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Zenimax sues Oculus

Postby Zancarius » Thu May 22, 2014 9:52 am

This is why we can't have nice things.

I'm linking to the HN article, because some weird issues cropped up with the linked press release on Zenimax's own site.
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Re: Zenimax sues Oculus

Postby Grimblast » Thu May 22, 2014 10:34 am

I read some articles this morning about that. Seems the IT world is a dangerous place if you choose to work somewhere else after working for a big company. It's almost like the big company doesn't want you to be able to work at all if you quit working for them.
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Re: Zenimax sues Oculus

Postby Zancarius » Thu May 22, 2014 11:03 am

Google, Apple, et al just recently got into some trouble over non-compete clauses that they all conspired together and elected not to hire from each others' pool, even if said employees quit. So essentially, once you worked for (and left) a big company, you couldn't again work for another one for several years.

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