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TotalBiscuit post on his subreddit

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TotalBiscuit post on his subreddit

Postby Grimblast » Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:44 am

I've never been a fan of TotalBiscuit but I agree with his assessment in this particular post of his. Now, I'm not part of the crowd that scrutinizes his videos or comments on much of anything online. I find there's so many negative comments all over the internet in general that I'd rather not add to them personally. I prefer to remain more positive than negative when I can. It always seems like human nature to focus on the negative and through his post, you can see what that does to a person.

If I ever get myself setup to do what I wanted to do online for podcasts and videos, I'm sure my reaction to criticism would be handled a little differently. Of course, that could be because I've worked tech support for one too many years. No matter your way of life, you have to figure out ways to take your beatings and move on as positively as you can. You need to teach yourself an appropriate outlet to relieve stress or change the way you think. It's taken me years to get where I am but there's always some new stress related challenge everyday.

As he mentioned in his post, having a thick skin only lasts for so long until something actually gets to you. We have to remember that this is the internet and your commentators are usually faceless. The most negative usually hide behind their little avatars and internet handles thinking their actions online can't be linked to them somehow. It takes practice to ignore such douche bags but after a while, it can become second nature. MMO's of all things have taught me to ignore most idiots online because arguing online just makes both parties look stupid.
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