You're not actually fighting Aetherblade pirates. You're fighting random disconnects and long-standing bugs no one's bothered to fix.
What bothers me is that this is only the
penultimate entry in the Scarlet arc. I'll be glad when we're done with her for good. People hate her not because she's an exceptionally good (or convincing) villain, but because she's fantastically
stupid and annoying.
Judging by the latest content that's been impossible on all but a handful of servers (and even then it seems no one can consistently do the new content anyway), it seems like it's new content for the sake of new content. And probably to quiet down those idiots who were complaining that the PvE end game wasn't hard enough and threatened to leave for another game.
I wonder if this means we'll be left with NEW! EXCITING! content that'll stick around for 4 weeks that no one can actually do because it's too difficult?