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User Handbook

Minecraft isn't just a chip off the ol' block. It's an addictive and deceptively complicated construction sandbox game. Play in survival mode (multiplayer, too!) while building fortifications to protect against zombie hordes--and other baddies that appear during the night--or try your hand at massive projects in creative mode. We run a local Minecraft server instance for guild members and others on an invite-only basis. See the sticky posts in this forum for details!
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User Handbook

Postby Zancarius » Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:35 pm

So, you want to build stuff? You've come to the right place! Thanks to the great generosity of Turus, we are running a guild-only Minecraft server on his machine. We have quite a few useful mods installed, too. This guide will help you get started and begin building your own creations.

Getting Started

When you first pop into the game world, you'll be placed on a shoreline next to some structures. The hill immediately behind you is Sunder's storage cave, across the body of water is my compound, in the depths of the water is Sunder's mob farm, and in various other parts of the world you'll find guildmates with whom you may (or may not) be familiar with. Just one word of warning: Don't go looking for Turus' location. If you do, you will probably burn to death and wind up right back where you started from. You might even re-read this section of the user handbook and think to yourself Gee, maybe I should have listened to Thal..

Either way, you're going to start into the game world with nothing but an empty inventory.

If you encounter some of your other guildmates, they will probably hook you up with some implements to get started. If not, you will find a small grassy bump immediately to your right with a set of ladders that enter into a small tunnel system. Follow the signs, and you'll eventually come across some chests that have been left behind for new users (like you!) to get started. Grab a few tools from these chests! If it's night time, wait until the following morning--or do some exploring in safe zones--or if it's day time, go stake out a new, unexplored part of the world.

We recommend that new users avoid building in the immediate vicinity of the global spawn point. This area is rife with tunnel networks, and you risk breaking into someone else's structures. Further, since the spawn area will likely be built up and altered in order to help get new users started, it's possible that you may interfere with ongoing construction. Sunder plans on adding to some of the cave network immediately next to where you'll appear, too, so be mindful of that.

So what's the best thing to do?

Go on a walkabout into the wilderness

Minecraft generates unlimited terrain. This means you can go walking for an entire day (or more) in the Minecraft world and never find the edge of the map. Considering walking way out into the middle of nowhere, stake out something that looks interesting, and build. Of course, you might be thinking Gee, what happens when I die? I'm going to go right back to the spawn point and have to make a trek all the way back to where I was!

Nope. We've got just the thing for you.

User Commands

All users, once you've been promoted from a guest (default), are able to alter their spawn points. How do you do this? Easy! Situate yourself in the location you'd like to start and type /home set. This will set your spawn point to your current location so that the next time you die (it will happen), you'll pop up right where you left off. You won't need to make a 15 mile hike through dangerous terrain just to get back to your corpse tools. There's also a few other handy features:

/home - Returns you to your home.
/home set - Sets your home spawn location to your current location.
/home delete - Removes your home spawn location and sets your spawn point to the global spawn point.

The home features also have some social options:

/home invite <player> - Invites the player <player> (minus brackets--just type their name) to your home. This means that they can use /home <your name> to warp to your home location.
/home uninvite <player> - Uninvites the player <player> from your home. By uninviting them, the only way they can enter your home is to find it--and walk there.
/home public - Makes your home public. This means that anyone can warp to your home any time they like.
/home private - Makes your home private (default). This means that only people you have invited can warp to your home.
/home list - Displays a list of players who have invited you to their homes.
/home ilist - Displays a list of players whom you have invited to your home.
/home <player> - Warps to the player <player>'s home, if you have been invited.
/home point - Points your compass back to your spawn point. Useful if you've overridden this setting.

As with the /home commands, there is an option to set up warp points. Unlike /home, /warp allows you to create an unlimited (nearly) number of warp points or points of interest. Here's how you can use these features:

/warp <warp_name> - Warps to the warp location <warp_name>. For example, if someone has a warp point named "Tree Farm," you can warp there by typing /warp Tree Farm.
/warp create <warp_name> - Creates the warp point <warp_name>. To create a warp named "My castle," type /warp create My castle. You can then warp there by typing /warp My castle. Warp points are public, by default, and anyone can warp to them.
/warp pcreate <warp_name> - Creates a private warp point <warp_name>. This is identical to /warp create with the exception that your warp point is private and only people you have invited can use it.
/warp welcome <warp_name> - Attaches a welcome message to the warp <warp_name>. You have to type this out and then enter the message in a new chat window for this to work. For example, pressing "t" to talk and then typing "/warp welcome My castle" will instruct you that you will be adding a new welcome message to the warp point "My castle." Then press "t" to talk once again, enter your message, and press enter. The next time you--or someone else--enters the warp point, the message will appear.
/warp delete <warp_name> - Deletes the warp point <warp_name>.
/warp point <warp_name> - Points your compass (if you have one) to the warp <warp_name>.
/warp list <warp_name> - Prints a list of all warps you have access to.
/warp search - Searches for a warp point.
/warp public <warp_name> - Sets the warp <warp_name> to be public, meaning anyone can warp to it.
/warp private <warp_name> - Sets the warp <warp_name> to be private, meaning only you and anyone you have granted access to can use it.

As with the /home commands, /warp allows you to selectively grant other players access to your warp points. Unlike the /home command, all warp points are public by default.

/warp invite <player> <warp_name> - Invites the player <player> to your warp location <warp_name>.
/warp uninvite <player> <warp_name> - Uninvites the player <player> from your warp location <warp_name>.

Unlike the /home commands, you can also give away a warp location to someone else. This means that you can no longer make changes to the warp point--it's now the property of the player you have given it away to. (Of course, you can always just create a new warp for yourself at that same location.)

/warp give <player> <warp_name> - Gives away your warp location <warp_name> to the player <player>.

I expect that these features will make the game infinitely more playable and allow users to expand their locations much farther beyond the boundaries of the spawn point. Explore with relative impunity!
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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Re: User Handbook

Postby Zancarius » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:46 pm

I'm retiring this thread. It's no longer pertinent or needed for the most part.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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