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Postby Highgrade » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:08 pm

So dont get to attached to your characters and progression. I was reading on the reddit that they are releasing a patch that will require a character wipe to upload. no words on if this is infact true given that it was on reddit but..... yeah. heads up.
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Re: fyi

Postby Zancarius » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:24 pm

Highgrade wrote:So dont get to attached to your characters and progression. I was reading on the reddit that they are releasing a patch that will require a character wipe to upload. no words on if this is infact true given that it was on reddit but..... yeah. heads up.

Well, it may be true according to their blog post, but I don't really see how a "character reset" would really matter aside from items on your character since there's not really any character progression in the game. Most likely, since the next patch is going to include substantial balance reworking, they're probably going to wipe the worlds/universe/whatever. Or figure out a way to convert it to the new leveling system (worlds will now have difficulties of 1-10 as opposed to 1-100).
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Re: fyi

Postby Zancarius » Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:51 pm

Side note: Trawling through the comments from people whining about the Windows XP bug are pretty hilarious considering XP will be EOL'ed on or around April next year. Gems like this pop up from time to time:

So XP users have to wait even longer? I'm getting tired of this BS.

And this...

Oh f^ck me... Great. :/ Whatever. Just do whatever you need to do. XP users can wait. :/ Again.

XP will be 13 years old next year. Games that only support DirectX 10 (Assassin's Creed III?) won't work under XP. The SMP scheduler under XP performs worse than the scheduler in Win7. There's almost no reason to keep XP around except for legacy environments that probably shouldn't be used for games. Like kiosks or ATMs that must periodically blue screen to interfere with someone's busy schedule, for instance...
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Re: fyi

Postby Zancarius » Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:01 pm

Looks like the wipe occurred tonight, including all worlds and construction. So it wasn't just character data.
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Re: fyi

Postby MaxRile » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:00 pm

>.< i just found out i could use coal as fuel
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