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AutoHotKey: Rebinding, Reloaded

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AutoHotKey: Rebinding, Reloaded

Postby Zancarius » Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:36 pm

Hunter linked me to a thread that offered a workaround for keybinding on the Starbound forums that offered the following workaround for those of you who like to customize your controls. The plus side is that it should work with other games, too.

As you've probably discovered, neither Starbound nor Cube World offer hotkey reconfiguration at the moment, so the next best option is to use an application called AutoHotKey. It's really easy to set up, and you can configure it to intercept keypresses when only a specific window is active (it reads the window title from the Win32 API, I'm sure, and performs an approximate match). To illustrate, here is my specific set of keybinds for Starbound:

Code: Select all
#IfWinActive Starbound

Most of you probably won't have a need for this, but it's very handy for those of us who play incorrectly (read: left handed; be warned, I'm the only one in my right mind). Or, possibly, for those circumstances in which you don't like the defaults and want to change them and the developers haven't been so kind as to supply the configurations.

The AHK documentation probably has more specifics on how the configuration files work, but the gist of it is that #IfWinActive performs a match on the window title/proc title. Then, inside the configuration block, you supply re-mapped keys according to newkey::oldkey (the double colons are required).

Have fun!
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