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Star Wars Goof off trip, this weekend!

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Star Wars Goof off trip, this weekend!

Postby Grimblast » Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:40 am

Matt, Pat, and I are going to try and goof off in Star Wars this weekend. If any of you would like to join us, download the game and we will see you on Makeb! We are starting off where our high levels left off last time we played. To have access to my high level equipment, I paid for just a months subscription. When you get back in, there's a few small changes since last we played a year or so ago but they did a great job explaining them in game.
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Re: Star Wars Goof off trip, this weekend!

Postby Elade » Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:36 pm

Gosh, you know what, I would REALLY love to. Really. I would.

...but the Sims 3: Into the Future just came out, so ya'll are SOL.
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