by Zancarius » Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:50 pm
That's a great idea. It's just a shame that the surveillance state in which we live disapproves of such things.
I confess I'm not much of a fan of the L4D franchise. Maybe it's the zombies. I don't know.
Maybe we'll have to do a Terraria/Minecraft night sometime.
By this point, you should have realized that I don't have much to say on the subject. I'm just using filler to create long black boxes, and I want to appear superficially more creative than someone who might reach for Lorem Ipsum. Bacon Ipsum is a tolerable (and very delicious) alternative.
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet pig shank meatball beef salami. Hamburger sausage meatloaf shank. Tenderloin filet mignon fatback, hamburger pig tail drumstick rump venison flank meatloaf chuck ball tip beef ribs. Meatball brisket bacon leberkas pig biltong salami turducken frankfurter sausage flank cow. Meatloaf spare ribs boudin venison cow tri-tip t-bone ground round filet mignon strip steak. Swine drumstick jowl shankle ribeye chuck kevin meatball ground round. Tongue boudin pork chop ground round beef pastrami venison meatloaf shankle.
Swine shank ham brisket ham hock ball tip chuck pork belly jowl sausage venison kielbasa pork. Pork belly brisket kielbasa ribeye tri-tip chicken sirloin meatloaf pork chop kevin turkey pancetta hamburger venison short ribs. Flank t-bone kevin, short ribs chuck sirloin tongue cow shankle turkey biltong kielbasa bresaola beef boudin. Salami rump drumstick, jerky pastrami hamburger doner. Kielbasa beef turducken brisket, ball tip tenderloin meatloaf. Beef ribs sirloin ball tip shoulder venison, pastrami kielbasa swine bacon corned beef turducken. Drumstick bresaola shankle swine hamburger ground round ribeye short loin kevin pork loin tenderloin flank turkey.
Turkey chuck sirloin meatloaf. Leberkas shank tenderloin, pastrami ham hock kielbasa doner filet mignon brisket tongue meatloaf chicken pork belly capicola. Corned beef doner bacon shank pork loin. Doner venison bresaola biltong, pancetta chicken pig strip steak leberkas.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.